sixty- two

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Christmas mornings were always my favorite growing up. I always made sure to run downstairs to see what Santa had left for me and my siblings. This year was a bit different. Today I didnt wake up some normal, human girl without kids. Today i woke up in my mans arms as each kid laid on both sides of us. I smiled as Noah took up half the bed like his father. I easily moved Sophia from infront of me as I got out of bed, seconds later Austin behind me.

"I was waiting for you to get up". He laughed as we made it down the steps. We walked over to all the gifts under tree, the cookies that had bite marks from Austin last night and the fake snow footprints on the floor I made using a pair of Austin's boots. I want my childrens first Christmas to be special, even if they are older, or how ever you wanna put it.

"I'll put a fire on". Austin spoke as he munched on the other half of the cookie. I laughed as he stepped over and grabbed wood.

It was seven in the morning, the snow was laying everywhere outside and the house was quiet. The past couple days have been horrible but I promised myself that it was over. I grabbed a present from under the tree addressed to me. I turned to Austin as he smiled.

"Santa thought you were a good girl this year". He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Did he"? I asked and opened the box.

Inside was a small locket, I turned to look at him as he gave me a smile. "Open it". He spoke softly.

When i opened it I felt my eyes tear up

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When i opened it I felt my eyes tear up. Inside was a picture of us. From Thanksgiving. I looked at him as he leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary". He chuckled.

"One whole year". I laughed as he nodded. "Maybe I should have waited for the right one". I joked.

"Yeah"? He smiled as he laid us both down on the couch, covering my face with kisses. Our moment was broke short when the kids were heard coming down the steps.

"Erry, is miss". Noah smiled and ran right to the presents. Sophia was calmer and walked over to Austin.

"Hi baby girl". Austin said and kissed her nose.

"Is miss". She smiled and got off his lap.

Austin and i watched both kids rip open the gifts, causing us to laugh as Noah liked the box more then the actual gift.

"Yup, your child". I laughed.

"Mine, look at mini you over there being all easy and clean with her ripping". He laughed back.

I turned to him as he watched the kids

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I turned to him as he watched the kids. I felt like I was falling in love all over again. The way his smile spread across his face, the way his heart was pure. Nothing like his father. He turned to me and smiled.

"What"? He questioned and touched his lip.

"I love you". I leaned over and pecked his lips as he tried to deepen the kiss.

"Gross". Sophie giggled as Noah covered his mouth.

I laughed and sat up. I walked to the kitchen to make coffee. While in there I noticed some thing outside, I wiped the condensation off the window to see Harry walking up the sidewalk to the back door dressed as santa. I laughed and opened the door.

"Ho, ho, ho. Santa has arrived"! He cheered.

"What are you doing"? I laughed.

"Hey, my niece and nephew will have a perfect first Christmas. If that means wearing this stupid thing". He said as he iched his back.

"Well santa, they are in the living room playing with boxes".

"How cheap are you? No kid just wants boxes for Christmas". He said and walked off. I rolled my eyes again.

"Did someone order Christmas wine"? I heard Katie say.

I squeezed her tight as I hugged her. I missed her so much. "Yes please". I smiled and we sat at the island. As she poured a glass I quickly noticed something new.

"Oh you like, he gave it to me this morning". She smiled showing me her engagement ring.

"Katie!" I yelled and pulled her into me.

"I know, it's not as big as yours or has a cute backstory to it but its special to me". She smiled and gazed at her ring.

"Size doesnt matter". I smiled.

"Knew it". I heard colson say as he walked in with a very beautiful brunette. "Ladies, this is Megan. Megan this is Alana and Katie". He smiled and kissed her hand.

"Hello". She smiled.

Katie patted the seat next to her as Megan sat down. Everyone was here today and it made me happy, but one was still missing. I got up and grabbed my phone off the table and dialed his number.

"Hello"? His groggy voice answered.

"Merry Christmas Troy". I giggled.

"Ah, yes. Merry Christmas Lani". He spoke.

"If you dont have any plans later you can stop by, were making dinner". I offered.

"Absolutely. What time"?

I smiled to myself as i thought of my best friend coming over. This Christmas was surely a miracle. After I gave him the time and hung up Austin walked in. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck.

"Please go out there and get your mother to stop talking to me about my sex life. It's a turn off". He chuckled.

"I didnt know she was here". I said and turned around in his arms.

"How couldnt you. I suspected that you would hear her thoughts". He smiled as Katie stood up.

"You hear thoughts. Does that mean"? She asked and I nodded.

She walked over to Austin and I as she shoved herself into the hug.

"Hey remember when you said you dont share"? Katie asked Austin.

His groan making us laugh. "Well you cant get rid of me now". She said and squeezed us tighter. Austin sighed as he wrapped his arm around her and squeezed her back.

"I love you guys". Katie sobbed as Megan laughed behind us.

Once the hug was done we all made it back to the living room. I gave the necessary kisses and hugs as my mom and Sarah gave the presents out. Kimberly and Mike sat there laughing and making fun of eachother, and Hailey and the three kids played with the new toys. Noah and Sophia walked over to me and Austin in the walkway as they handed us each a card. I opened it to see a drawling of the family, my eyes teared up. I turned to Austin as he looked at a drawling of lines and shapes.

"Oh my goodness, I love it". He spoke but I couldnt tell if there was sarcasm or not.

"Hey someone got caught under the mistletoe". Harry laughed as he fixed the santa beard.

Austin and I looked up as he smirked, pulling me to him and placing his lips to mine.

"I love you". I smiled once he pulled away.

"I love you more". He smirked again and gave me another kiss.

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