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Alana POV

Why couldnt I open my eyes? It's like the darkness came over me. I moved my toes and fingers, knowing I was awake but my eyes wouldnt open. Was this how death felt? I heard a pair of footsteps walking back in forth in front of me, a small whisper.

"Look, mommy is waking up". Austin spoke.

I tried to open my eyes again but nothing.

"Have they ate yet"? Katie asked next to me.

"Not yet. I'll try again now". Austin spoke as he got closer.

A pair of footsteps left, causing my body to shiver. The fingers of Austin pulling down the gown I had on, leaving my chest open. Only to feel a little bit of weight on each side of me. My breasts burned as small bites suddenly happened.

"Alana baby, wake up". Austin spoke. "Your babies wanna meet you".

I tried to open my eyes again and this time they snapped open. The room was bright and warm. My eyes traveled down to two babies on my chest. I guess I started to breastfeed. When my eyes made contact with Austin's hes smiled.

"Hello". He smiled and leant down to kiss me.

I went to move but he stopped me. "Not yet baby. Your body is still asleep". He smiled.

"Is everything okay"? I questioned.

He sat down on the chair next to me and nodded, giving me a big smile.

"Everything is perfect".

I smiled and looked back at my babies, both looking at me.

"They were hungry so Liam said it was best to start the feedings now". He stated and grabbed my hand, but all I could do is nod.

"You feel okay. Any pain"? He asked.

"A little. I cant feel anything from the waist down". I tried to laugh but it hurt to.

"We had to cut them out. A natural birth wouldnt have went smoothly". He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Are they done"? I asked as I saw both sets of eyes looking up at me. Austin nodded and grabbed both babies and put them in the bassinet next to the bed and helped me fix my shirt.

"Pull me up". I said an he lifted me up the bed enough were I was now sitting up. He picked up one and handed me it.

"This is your daughter". He smiled and picked up the other one.

"I never got to pick names out". I said and gave her a kiss.

"Well I left that to you". He smiled. "Whatever you want".

What did I want to name you my sweet little girl. Her blue eyes bright she was surly going to look like Austin more.

"What about Sophia"? Austin suggests and I gave him a smile.

"I like that. Sophia Rose Butler"? I said and it just sits right.

"Alright little Sophie, its your brothers turn". Austin said as we traded babies.

I looked down at his beautiful blue eyes as he gave me a smile.

"Noah". I smiled. "Noah Robert Butler".

Austin turned to me and gave me a smile. "That's my middle name". He spoke.

I watched my scary vampire boyfriend melt infront of me. His eyes never leaving Sophia's. I brought my attention back to Noah as the room filled up with guests.

"My baby". My mom spoke as she came over to me. "Are you okay. Has a doctor came already. When Austintold me you gave birth three days ago, I really thought you'd be up"? She questioned and kissed the top of my head.

Liam standing behind her as he told her a lie, saying the doctors just left. Once she bought it her eyes went to the babies. "Twins, you didnt say twins". She smiled as she sat next to me.

"Mommy, I want you to meet Sophia and Noah". I said an wiped my eyes.

"I love those names". My sister Kim spoke behind her, Mike looking at Sophia. Around the corner Hailey walked in holding the new addition to their family.

"Look guys. It's your cousin Dawson, Laylah and Kaiden". I smiled, Hailey smiling back.

"You look beautiful as ever". My mom smiled and kissed me again but then stopped as she saw one of the bite marks.

"You got bit. By someone"? She questioned.

"Sorry about that Miss. Karter. That was me". Austin laughed as she lightly hit him. "Down boy". She laughed.

"Okay well the doctor thinks it's a good time for Alana to get rest. You can all visit tomorrow". Katie said as everyone groaned.

With one last kiss my mom gave me she walked out of the room, leaving us alone.

"Want them in the bassinet"? Katie asked and I shook my head.

"How about their god mommy watches them for a bit while I sleep". I smiled and she instantly had tears in her eyes.

"Me. God mommy Katie"? She questioned and I nodded.

"Dont forget about god father Niall". I joked and he gave me a smirk.

"Knew it". He said as he stretched his arms over his head. "We'll watch them. You two get to some kissing". Niall smiled and grabbed Noah, Katie grabbing Sophia. Once they walked out Austin walked over to me.

"You did it". We sighed as he crawled into the bed with me, pulling me into his arms.

"Yeah I did. But not without you". I grinned.

"I mean, true". He joked.

"Sorry the wedding was pushed back, I didnt think I'd be out for three days". I blurted out and he shook his head.

"That doesnt matter right now."

My mind went crazy as I thought about the bite marks.

"Am I a vampire yet"? I asked and he shook his head.

"I bit you yes, but you have another 12 hours. If you drink blood then the transformation starts. It's all up to you". He bluntly spoke

"But I thought you said it was our decision, like to make together" I asked and he nodded

"I did say that but I couldnt do that to you. I wanted you to make that decision. All I cared about was if you were going to make it or not". He said.

Did i want to? My mind says yes but my decision was final after the first day he told me he loved me. Set after the engagement. Now set after my babies. I wanted to spend eternity with him. Watch my babies grow up and be the best mom and wife I could be.

"Do me a favor"? I asked.

He hummed in response as he squeezed me.

"Promise me to let myself be a mother right now. This is all new to me, I dont want to mess it up". I grinned and kissed his hand.

"I promise darling".

My dream was to always see him smile and never get rid of it. That's my goal for the rest of my life and that was to keep that beautiful smile on his face. He leant down and gave me another kiss, He was always going to be my forever.

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