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Austin POV

We drove around the Denver streets, trying to find something. Harry was still figuring out different scents and images as we stopped. I bit my knuckle as I thought about Lani. My baby girl do I miss you.

"I think we have a mile out. Anything yet Aus"? Harry asked and I shook my head.

My worst fear coming true. Once the thoughts stop, so does her heart. Niall looked at me and hit me."dont think that way. We will find her alive. We will find her alive with a healthy baby do you understand me"? He yelled.

"Up there, that car parts building. I smell her". Harry said, causing my senses to go into overload. That was her.

I sped through the parking garage and stopped. We got out, each grabbing a gun. I threw one to Mike as he looked confused.

"I thought I wasnt allowed one"? He asked.

"That's your sister up there. Kill whomever is in your path". I hissed.

As we walked up the steps I quickly stopped, hearing a mumbled voice in my head. Liam turned back to me.

"Cmon mate. You can smell her. Shes still alive"! He yelled. I ignored him again.

The mumble came again, this time getting louder. It wasn't Alanas.


I stepped back, a ringing in my ears causing me to blur out. What the hell was that?

"Daddy, help mommy".

"What"? Mike asked, I looked at him and ran past everyone on the steps. I loaded the gun as I kicked the metal door in to where the sound and smell of her was close. Down the one level, she was there. it was dark, but we were here.

"Aus, what's wrong"? Harry asked.

I felt my eyes turn as I turned around. "I heard my baby". I said. I blinked again this time seeing red. My jaw tensed as my fangs wanted to come out.

"I sense it". Colson spoke as he loaded his gun and turned to Pete.

"Same". Pete chuckled and put his gun in his back pocket.

"We need that out". Niall sighed and pete shook his head.

"I got my own weapons". Pete smiled as his fangs came out.

"Nobody hurts my baby". I snarled and walked down the dark space with Colson, Pete and Niall.

"What happened to him"? Mike asked as he turned to Harry. Who had a smile on his face.

"That right there is why he was named the protector. Watch and learn everyone."  he smiled and then all of them followed me.

Alana POV

The door opened again this time it was just one of the guards. He sat at the foot of my bed and sighed.

"So still nothing"? He asked.

I kept quiet.

He nodded and walked over to me. He tested my pulse on my neck and smiled. A bit of blood left. If you dont mind I'll take a taste". He smiled.

He walked back to the door and closes it, when he came back over and moved the hair away. He knelt down and very roughly he sunk his teeth into my skin. I yelped out in pain but he backed away holding his throat. "What did you do"? He yelled out.

Very slowly I opened my mouth, holding the sapphire crystal neclace charm between my teeth. He was already on the floor when the other two came in. I placed it back under my tounge. Seconds later, he was a gray corpse on the ground.

"What did you do"? Bennett asked coming over to me and grabbed both shoulders and started to shake me then just like that a gun shot put his other man out. He paused and removed his hands from me.

"Bennett"? Austin spoke.

He turned around, tears in his eyes. "A-Austin? This isn't possible. You died". He said. "I saw you die". He was in disbelief, seeing someone come back from the dead.

Austin looked at me and walked over as Bennett stepped back but Harry and some other tall guy grabbed him. Austin unclipped my from the IVs as Liam bagged them all quickly and walked out of the room.

"Friends dont kill someone else fiancè"  Austin spoke.

"You owed me something. I thought you died! Bennett yelled. Austin turned to me, glancing at my half naked body. His eyes were red. But it didnt scare me anymore. Seconds later the tall blonde man handed me his hoodie.

"We were partners. We were supposed to cure everything. We were supposed to save your mother". Bennett smiled, trying to bring back memories. "She holds the RH factor. Did you know that"? Bennett asked Austin.

"I'm well aware. Back up". Austin hissed and rubbed his jaw.

"You arent a protector anymore. Your a softy. She cant give you power like my sister could have. Shes nothing compared to little Brooke. But you killed her, leaving her in the street"  Bennett hissed.

"I didnt kill her. You did. You were in an asylum for years until you broke out. They gave up looking for you because it was over 50 years. Your sister was in the middle of a blood battle with you and your brother. She died trying to save you"  Austin spat.

"Well look at us now. We can finally become the protectors we've always wanted to be. Starting with her blood". Bennett smiled as he turned to me.

"Bennett". The other blonde spoke as he stepped forward.

"Back off Pete, this doesnt involve you or Colson". Bennett spoke as he turned to them. Austin stepped up as Bennett turned to him.

"Dont be upset. Your mother died knowing how much you disappointed her. She'll never forget that. Now your going to kill the love of your life, just like you did to Brooke ". The devil smile coming from Bennett made me hide my face. But before he could jump at us Austin grabbed him by the neck, smashing him into the wall 

"I. Will. Not"! He yelled and the monster I seen was out of control. The fangs that came from his mouth, and the red eyes. His teeth sunk into Bennetts neck, killing him instantly. When Auatin dropped the dead body to the ground he turned around. I hid my eyes.

He walked over, handed Colson the gun and Louis a set of matches. "Burn it, Liam blood"! He called out. Liam giving him the bag in seconds.

He grabbed my hand as we walked out of the scary room but I was to weak. My legs gave out into the cement and without a single word Austin picked me up bridal style and walked to one of the cars down the isle. He set me in the back seat and covered me. He grabbed the only blood bag.

"I'm so sorry". He spoke and shoved the needle back in my arms to ge the blood back to my body. I yelled out, his lips quickly covering mine to keep me quiet. Only pinching my lips with his teeth.

His teeth were still out, his eyes were still red. Without thinking I touched his face and he stopped. He tried to get ride of the face but it wasnt leaving. I traced my finger over his reddish purple bags under his eyes, then across this eyebrows then to his lips. My finger poked one of his fangs as he hissed back but i didn't care. Once my finger bleed, from what was left I placed it onto his mouth. What I saw next was the most scariest thing of all. The tear of a vampire dropped onto my cheek. My finger entered his mouth as he took it. Taking a small amount. When he pulled away so did his fangs. He was his normal self.

"I love you". He whispers and gives me a small kiss.

"No, I love you more.

"We can leave now". Colson spoke as he walked over.

His eyes met mine and held out his hand. "Nice to finally meet you". He smiled and shook my hand.

I turned to Austin who was about done with everyone today as he gave me a smile and shut the back door of the rangrover, leaving me rest.

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