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I woke up in green tinted room, my arms were connected to IVs. I groaned and went to lift my hand but it was strapped down.

"Help"! I cried but there was no use. I felt weak. I turned my head to see 4 blood bags next to me filled with what presume was my blood. "Oh my god, help"! I cried again. Suddenly a door opened.

"Ah good morning darling. How are you feeling". A man asked.

"Who are you"? I asked, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm Dr. Miller. But you can call me Bennett". He smiled. "I'm here to take all your blood". He added as he squeezed the blood bag.

"W-Why"? I questioned, shaking my head.

"You see darling. I know so much about you, and you know nothing about me. Let's talk shall we"? He smiled and sat down.

The room began to spin as more blood escaped my veins. He was going to kill me. He was going to kill my baby.

"You see. I grew up with your friends,  friend. He was my bestfriend. One day he died and never came back. His blood was known to save lives, especially back in the 1800s where everyone got sick. Anyways, he took all what he had with him, they drained him dry before I had a chance to take the last drip. You see I'm a scientist. That blood he took with him could have saved lives". He smiled.

"My friends friend"? I asked, not getting anything he just said.

"Oh you. Anyways his own father stored a piece of his blood into a necklace, but the problem is. Its surrounded by sapphire crystal. I cant open the damn thing so I need you". He smiled and placed another needle in my arm.

"You- you're going to kill m-me". I gasped, trying to find a way to breath better but nothing worked.

"Nonsense. Once I get that necklace opened I'll put all the blood back. So where is it"? He asked and cupped his hands together.

"What necklace, I dont have a necklace". I groaned.

He say up quickly as he paced the room. "You are Alana Karter right"? He asked but I shut my eyes.

"Wake up damnit. Who the hell are you!"


Austin POV

I still can't hear her. Panicked rushed though by brain as I paced the hotel room.

"I got nothing, no scent". Louis spoke.

"Not even a missing hair on her head". Liam added.

I crouched down on the ground, my head in my hands. This cant be happening.

"Try her again". Niall spoke but I shook my head.

"I haven't heard from her in over two hours". I sighed.

What the hell was I going to do. Colson walked in, holding something in his hand. "This may help". He said.

"I dont think a hotel food menu is going to help". Harry sighed and ruffled his curls.

"Fingerprints, a scent". Colson spoke. Harry quickly got up and touched the paper. I stood up slowly.

"There were two men. Both human. They work for someone". He said and walked out of the hotel room.

When Harry turned years ago his special power was to track. Not like how a dog does. If he has something in his hands he can tell you all about someone.

"They took her down the emergency stairwell. I think i got something". He said and with that he was gone.


Alana POV

I woke up again, feeling a tad bit better. This time a light was on but I was still tied up. I looked over to the older man in the corner of the room, reading what looked like a file.

"Ah your up". He smiled and shut the folder. "Now, can you tell me who you are". He asked.

"No". I snapped. "Let me go".

He laughed and shook his head. "See I'm afraid I cant do that. I need answers. So my question is are you Alana Karter"?

"No". I signed and took a deep breath. I was getting a sharp pain in my side.

He pulled at his hair and walked over to me. "If  you cant tell me who you are then I'll have to kill you. I dont want to do that". He begged but I stood my ground.

"Looks like your gonna have to kill me". I sighed again.

He slammed his hand on the table next to me and grabbed my shoulders.  "Where is the sapphire crystal necklace". He hissed.

"I. Dont. Have. It". I spit and he stepped back.

"Fine. Boys. Check her". He said and two men walked in.

I tried to push away but there was no use. One grabbed my shoes, taking them off and shaking them. The other went to my sweater, using a knife to cut it down the middle. All three men stopped when they saw my stomach. I glanced down through the tears and saw it. My stomach had purple blotches all over it.

"D-Did you do that to my baby"! I cried.

All the men looked at one another and didnt say a word. They were as shocked as I was.

I sobbed as they continued to strip me, finally leaving me in my underwear and bra.

"Its not here boss". One spoke.

The guy, Bennett sighed and rubbed his face. "Its not her". He spoke.

He walked over to me and caressed my face. "Sorry to kill you". He said and walked out of the room. One of the other men connected me to another blood bag, 6 total. He placed tape across my mouth as they walked out, shutting off all of the lights.

As I stayed there, weeping I couldnt help but think of Austin. How I'll never get to to marry him. How I'll never give him the child hes always wanted. Never giving my child the life they wanted. I shut my eyes and just waited for the pain to go away, that's when I heard something. A sort of mumbling.

"Hmmm"? I said, trying to move the tape from my mouth, the mumbling got louder.


My heart skipped a beat as I heard it again and again.


My baby. It was talking to me. I started to cry as it repeated over and over to me. At least I got to here its first words.

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