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"But this dress looks amazing". Katie sighed as I tried on the fifth dress.

"I want it to be perfect". I said and turned to the mirror.

"It will be perfect and I bet if you would wear nothing Austin would still call you beautiful. Can we leave now"? She asked as she rocked Sophia, Noah in the stroller next to her.

I sighed and walked back into the changing room, taking off the dress and hanging it back up. When I walked out I stopped at the sight of Niall.

"Hey you". He smiled and grabbed Sophia.

"Hey back. What are you doing here"? I asked and he smiled again.

"Austin told me to take a walk around town to make sure everything was okay". He smiled and gave Katie a kiss.

"Well can you tell him we're fine. Its girls day, not girls and Niall day"? Katie laughed as she grabbed the baby from him.

"Fine. Dont come crying to me then if you need anything". He laughed and walked off. "But if you do need me I'll be watching from a far". He smirked and kissed Katie again before quickly walking off.

"They sure keep tabs on everyone dont they". Katie spoke as we walked out of the dress store.

We made it half way down the sidewalk when Katie spotted an old time frozen yogurt shop. I told her I didnt want anything and that I would wait here. She skipped across the street as she waited in the line to get in. Both babies were asleep by now and I couldnt help but stare at them. They are so beautiful and I'm not just saying that because they are mine.

"Hey pretty momma, what are you doing here"? I turned to look up at two men.

"Just waiting on my friend, excuse me". I mumbled and grabbed the stroller but one grabbed my arm.

"No way in hell these are your kids. You barely look over thirty, and might I say way to hot to be a mother". He smirked and moved a piece of hair behind my ears, and I smacked them away.

"I'm just trying to say how beautiful you are". He laughed with the other one.

"I have to go". I said and walked away but they followed.

"No, I say you're staying". The taller one said and stopped the stroller. He had tattoos going all the way up his arm to his face.

I glanced around to nobody in sight as they continued to walk past on the other side of the street. Do I yell for help?

"Those legs though. How high can you lift them up, how about to my face". The shorter one said as he grabbed a hold of my ass, pinching me. He had piercings all over his face.

"Back the fuck off"? I hissed and the shorter one grabbed the stroller, pushing us behind the alley way.

I tried to scream as one of them ripped the shirt open covering my mouth, the taller one trying to pick me up. I got knocked to the ground as tiny one held my face infront of the taller ones belt. He started undoing it.

"Get the shirt off, I wanna see everything". Tall one spoke and seconds my shirt got off of me. When I saw the taller ones boxers infront of my face I screamed out.

My hair was yanked as the shorter one held a knife to my throat. Placing it gently against my skin. I heard the twins crying as I tried to stand up. The knife cutting me at a small graze.

"Stay quiet and let me do this. Then you can go home with your kids". Tall one said as he whipped himself out bringing it to my lips.

Seconds later the one infront of me was knocked out against the wall and the other one ran off. When my eyes met with his I sobbed, running to him.

Austin stood there, red eyes, purple bags underneath and fangs out. His eyes never left the guy in front of him as he held onto his wrist, bleeding out. I stood up slowly and pulled my shirt over to me to hide my body. He was mad, especially at me. I just knew it.

"Your damn right I am". He said and threw his hoodie at me. I quickly put it on. "Take the kids and go home now". He hissed and grabbed the tall bleeding man.

I didnt want to fight, not here, nor did I want to see what was going to happen. I walked the stroller past him to see Katie with Niall now a few feet away. Both eyes set on me, Niall rushing over to Austin.

"Lani"? Katie asked and all I could do was cry as I made it to the car.


Later that night:

I sat in the babies room after I fed them. They sat up in their cribs looking at me. I wiped the last of my tears away when the front door slammed. PTSD moments came flooding back to me with Alex. I felt the goosebumps on my skin come to the surface as the footsteps got louder. I glanced down at the bruising on my wrist and was crying again. The thing was, he never came to me. He walked right into our bedroom. I couldnt be around him right now. What if he was still angry? Would he yell and kick me out? Breakup with me? Hurt me? I sat up off the floor, blew a kiss to both babies and shut the door.

"Goodnight my babies". I said as I walked down the steps. I definitely wasnt going into the bedroom.

When I walked down the steps I turned off the lights and grabbed a blanket, covering myself up and laying on the couch in the living room. I covered my face, trying not to cry loud for him to hear. I really fucked this one up. I should have never told Niall to leave. I should have never went out to get a stupid dress. Why cant I just listen to him?

"I'm so sorry". I sobbed,getting it all out now.

I was Scared. Frightened and Nervous. I never knew his next step, but he always knew mine. I never knew what was on his mind, but he knew what was on mine. Tonight he scared me, but I tested the waters. I have been for the past eleven months.

"I'm sorry". I sobbed again and turned over so that I was facing the cushions, pulling my legs to my chest.

I grabbed the white blanket and brought it up over my head as I cried again.

Before i could fully calm down and shut my eyes i felt someone standing above me. I couldnt look. All i could picture were the red eyes that he gave me eariler. Those eyes were ment for others, never for me. Those fangs were for killing, not to show. Hes told me that. I felt a pair of arms wrap under me, bringing me to his chest. I still had my face covered as he walked us back to our room. Once inside he kicked the door lightly to shut it and laid me on the bed. I quickly rolled to face the window, not caring that I was on his side of the bed.

To be continued...

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