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We got off the plane and it felt different. Austin told me that he sensed something bad, but couldnt put his finger on it. As we made it to one of the designated cars he kissed my hand before I got in. Liam sat across from me, Niall next to him. Once he sat in he grabbed his laptop out to show Liam. Out of the corner of my eye Austin had a pill bottle, taking one out and grabbing his water. He handed me both.

"Vitamin". He smiled.

"Its erased, how is he still getting the information". Liam asked after his intense stare down between me and Austin. Of today felt weird, I think we mean Liam.

Harry looked confused. I glanced out the window to the half melted snow on the ground. I'm 3 months today. Well according it Liam because the baby will grow at faster paces.

"I see how hes getting it. He changed the sign in password". Harry said as he rested against my seat behind me, using his finger to point.

I waved his finger away from my face as he purposely poked my cheek. I reached back and slapped as he laughed. "Settle down kids". Austin chuckled and patted my thigh and pulled me closer.

"Mike and Louis are at the address written. They are waiting for us". Liam added and shut the laptop quickly.

"I told them to stay put". Austin growled.

"I told them to go". Liam sighed. "Plus Desmond thinks you have enough to worry about. You soon to be dad". He smiled.

"Dad or not, I'm still in charge. Plus I need to make sure someone stays back with Alana". Austin spoke as he took out his pack of gum.

He quit a couple weeks ago, not sure how ita going for him. He has been chewing alot of gum lately. Stress thing maybe?

"She'll be at the hotel, safe. It's not a problem if we all go". Liam signed and turned his head to the window.

As they argued I pulled out my ginger ale and took a sip. It was the only thing that helped with morning sickness. I tried not to worry Austin as I patted my chest, burping was a big thing with me lately. His smile made my heart flip. I offered him my drink hit he shook his head.

"Remeber Colson? The tall blonde guy, dating that really hot brunette"? Harry asked out of nowhere.

Liam nodded, Austin shrugged. "Well he offered his help. He has two guys on the way to help out". Harry said as he took my drink.

"Aye"! I snapped and grabbed it back. He poked my cheek again and I was getting agitated."what you offer him some just not me"? Harry laughed as Austin snickered.

"Mate, leave her alone. Shes on high end right now". Austin said as he placed his hand on my stomach. He says he can still hear the babys thoughts.

"I'm just trying to mess with her. I enjoy it". Harry smiled.

"Well I dont". I hissed.

"Katie says hi". Niall said as he changed the subject.

Last week i decided to go my separate ways at work. I needed to focus on the vampire growing inside of me. They told me i would always have a job there when i thought of returning. I sure do miss it.

"Colsons there. Everything is good". Harry spoke as he zoned off to space. I looked back and bit my lip confused.

"He can see what's going on. It's like cable tv without the subscription". Niall laughed.

"We should be at the hotel any second". Liam said and just like that we pulled up.

"I'm never going to get used to this". I sighed.

Austin got out of the car and helped me out. Running us inside so he can gather his things. He couldnt leave me at home so I had to come on the journey. I didnt want to sit in the hotel by myself all day.

"Remeber. Call me, think of me, anything and I'll be here". He smiled, leaning down and giving me a kiss. Then kissing my stomach.

"I love you. Please be safe". I said and with that he was out of my sight. I sat down and turned the television on, hoping to distract myself.

I placed my hands over my stomach, humming lightly. It was weird being pregnant, never did I think of this, especially having a baby that would be half vampire. I got bored quickly and grabbed the hotel phone.

"Want some food"? I asked my baby.

"Good me to". I rolled my eyes as I talked to my stomach. Yeah I'm not losing it.

I dialed the number for room service and they contacted me to the kitchen.

"Room service, how can I help you"? The man spoke.

"Hi, can I have a menu sent up to room 1245"? I asked.

After the okay I hung up and waited, talking to my baby like it was here.


Austin POV

"What do you mean he never showed up"? I yelled.

Mike and Louis stood infront of me, not sure what to do. "We waited for thirteen hours. Nobody was in or out of that place". Mike spoke.

I pulled at my hair and sat in the car. This cant be right. Why would they send this address? I scratched at the back of my head suddenly hearing Lani. She was talking to the baby. At least that put a smile on my face.

"Should we all wait then"? Harry asked and I shook my head.

"If someone is in there they arent coming out to seven other vampires". I sighed, looking at Colson and his friend Pete.

"I sense something, i just cant put my finger on it". Colson said, causing Niall to nod his head.

I looked at the abandoned house, watching the windows. No movement, just one single white curtain blowing in the wind from broken glass. Then it hit me.

"Its a fucking set up"! I yelled and ran to the car. I cant hear Alana. "Liam you prick. This is why i wanted someone with her"! I yelled again.

"They have Alana?" Harry asked.

"Hes overreacting. Shes fine". Liam said and I stopped in my tracks, turning around and stomping to him.

"Shes the face of RH factor. Shes never safe". I hissed and he put his arm on my shoulder.

"Then go". He spoke angrily.

I didnt speak to him after that. I got in the car and with that I sped off.


Alana POV

"And were gonna dance and sing together, an make crafts and read books". I said as my conversation with my unborn child got interrupted.

I got up slowly and opened the door of the hotel room, a guy stood there holding a menu. "Goodie"! I smiled and looked though. As my eyes glanced over the menu I noted a finger print of blood on the corner. My eyes then traveling to the man infront of me. His hand was covered.

"You know. I'm not that hungry." I said and tried to shut the door but two other men appeared. They grabbed my arms and legs as they carried me out of the hotel room and into a black box. I hit the box over and over as I felt the weight of me being lifted. I screamed, hit, anything but nothing helped. The box was put back down and opened. I went to run but one of the men stabbed me in the neck with a syringe. Suddenly passing out.

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