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And then I just walked out. I declined the job". Troy spoke to everyone as we all huddled around the living room table. Mike and Hailey playing with Laylah and Kaiden and Kim talking. My mom, Sarah and I listening to the story

"I'm glad you didnt take it. That's alot on you for not getting paid that much". My mom spoke with concern. She always worried about Troy.

"Well it's all thanks to Miss Alana over there. She got me the job at the school, you're looking at the new electric dude". Troy smiled.

"Electric dude"? I questioned causing his mom to laugh.

"Yeah speaking of that, do we get free childcare yet"? Mike asked, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Not everything in life is free mikey.

"You can still come work with me, they pay better and you sit at a desk for 9 hours". He smiled. I rolled my eyes again, causing my mom to giggle. The conversation shifted when Mike's phone rang. He stood up and walked out the front door for privacy.

"Might as well glue that phone to him. He's always on it". Hailey sighed, holding Laylah close to her chest. I did feel bad on certain occasions with the both of them. Mike was always one about the money. He likes having it as much as he likes spending it. He barely has time away from work anymore. When he walked back in he stood there, holding the door opened. Just then a short man in a grey suit, green tie and a shaved head walked in, my brother looking down at him. He smiled and then turned to everyone.

"Merry Christmas Everyone". The short man smiled. My eyes staring at the Christmas tree lights.

"Mom, this is my boss, Desmond Butler, Des this is my mother Kathleen". Mike introduced. He gave my mom a handshake with a smile as he turned to my sister. "Kim"? He questioned. She gave him a smile and shook his hand. Once he turned to Hailey he smiled again then to the baby. All eyes turned to the door when another man walked in, much taller then the other, his height towering over my brothers. He had to be a little over six foot. His hair styled to the side, it was messy but he worked it. He grinned showing off perfect teeth but just as he shook Mike's hand I saw many tattoos on his hand. Mike patted his back and turned to us again.

"This is his son and business partner, Austin". Mike introduced. He gave us all a smile and shook my moms hand. I've never saw such a beautiful man in my life. My mother offered coffee to the both of them as she lead them to the kitchen. Austin's eyes met every face in the room, shaking hands on the way to the kitchen like he was some sort of celebrity. I quickly fixed my red sweater dress, making me more presentable. When he stopped in front of me he gave me a smirk and held out his hand.

"Hello". His deep voice was soft as his hand grabbed mine, he was very cold. I suddenly left go as the rings on his fingers made me shiver. His blue/green eyes bright, his pupils big.

"Please help yourself, theres plenty of food to go around". My mom smiled and with that Austin walked off, sitting at the table in the chair where I sat at dinner. I stood behind him, not trying to intervene in the conversation. I glanced over to Hailey as she gave me a smirk, getting up and handing me Laylah

"Here Laylah, go to Aunt Lani before she combusts". Hailey giggled and walked to the kitchen, sitting on Mike's lap. I glanced down at my fussing niece and decided to go and give her a diaper change, leaving the conversation between the others. I was never good with crowds. As I walked into the spare room, shutting the door and laid her down on the changing table. She gave me a smile as I undid her Christmas dress. The door suddenly opened to Hailey and Troy. Both eyes glued to me.

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