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Anonymous POV

Where was this girl going? To New York?!

Doesnt she know that someone will kill her if they see her?

Her death wise was music to my ears.



We pulled into the rest stop so Katie could pee again. I decided to check my phone only to sigh when I havent got a text from Austin. I didnt want to bother him but my curiosity killed me. So I grabbed my phone back out and texted him.

Hey you, hows the drive?

I set my phone back into the cup holder when I spotted Katie skipping back to the car, this time with two starbucks coffees.

"A coffee for my bestie". She smiled and placed hers next to my phone.

"I checked the map on the GPS. We're going to be in downtown in an hour". I sipped my iced coffee.

"Okay good, I dont think I'll be able to drive anymore. Have you heard from Austin or Mike"? She asked and I shook my head.

"Dont worry about it. I'm sure they got caught up in car karaoke or something". She chuckled.

I dont think I can picture Austin singing. I mean, I haven't heard him sing. As we pulled back into the highway I rested my chin on the window arm rest. My eyes shut slightly as I thought of him. His eyes, his lips, oh those hands. I dont understand how somebody could look so attractive and have nothing wrong with them.

"Penny for your thoughts"? Katie asked.

I took a deep breath, "do you think Austin and I would work out if dating was in the future"? I asked.

Katie bit her tongue as she thought of her answer. That's what I've always loved about her. She always told the truth, even if it hurt you or not.

"Honestly, yeah. The way you two are together, it's like magic. You light up when you see him. He talks more around you. It's kinda a fine line to be honest". She smiled.

I leaned back over to the window and shut my eyes, but all I could see was his. The way his pupils dilate when hes excited, the way he licks his lips before he talks. Everything about him killed me, I just dont understand why I just dont get it. It's simple. Hes a normal guy, why am I making this bigger then it should. Im just over all the secrets. The day I witnessed his eyes turning dark, the small purple marks under his eyes. It was something out of a horror movie. The phone vibrates in the cup holder, causing me to open my eyes and Katie turn the radio down. My heart fluttered when his name popped up.

"Hello"? I smiled.

"Hello princess. I'm just checking in. Are you okay"? He asked but sounded concerned.

"Yeah, just sitting with Katie at her house. Were about to go to the mall". I lied, just feeling bad about it.

"Okay? Well Mike and I just got to the hotel here. If you need anything and I mean anything, call me. I'll be there".

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