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Days later:

As I waved my kids off with their parents I sat down in my chair behind my desk. My mindset wasnt where it should be the past couple days. After finding out all the secrets I kept my distance. Instead of staying home I was at Katie's. I couldnt see Mike or even Austin. I was still so pissed off that I was afraid of my actions. Katie walked in with two coffee, setting on on the desk for me.

"I just got off the phone with Austin". Katie sighed, my eyes narrowed.

"I know you don't want to deal with him, but he kept calling. I told him you were busy and didnt want to talk". She said and sat up on the small desk.

I gave her a nod and grabbed my bag. I told her I needed to run things out to my car, but i just needed some air. I passed other teachers in the hall and once i made it outside i walked to the car. The snow stopped late last night, but more was to come. I hated this weather. I'm okay with fall, winter not so much. I opened my back door and set my things inside. When I shut it the face of Austin reflected off the window. I gasped and turned to him.

"You cant be here leave". I groaned and started walking. My heels making each step louder.

"Not until you talk to me and tell me why you followed me". He said.

I bit my tongue, trying to keep it professional in the schools parking lot. "Because you lied to me". I spoke angrily.

"So that's it then. I lie about one thing and you're done talking to me"? He asked in defense.

"No Austin, This wasnt just some small lie, it was a big part of your life that you just decided to leave it out. Maybe mention that you're some sort of vampire who feeds off human souls but has a job on the side as someone in the mafia". I said fully facing him now.

"I did it because I didnt want one of the deals to go bad and someone coming after you. These men we work for are serious. I've been doing this for years". He said.

I tried to keep my eye contact away from him, but his hands turned my face to him. "I cant have anything harm you, I need you to understand that". He whispered.

"You work for your dad. Would he come after me. Is he the vampire ruler. Is my blood next"? I asked.

He shook his head and leaned against my car. "He's the one that made a deal with the others. Since Mike joined he made it very clear that none of his family would be involved. My dad took that as a opportunity for him to earn his trust. That's why he does it. We only drink the normal A, B  blood.i mess around with other blood because it makes me stronger. The normal, well It keeps us satisfied to do right. We arent like the others. They will suck you dry and sell what's left of your blood".

Nothing was making sense to me. Why would Mike get involved in this.

"Why is he part of it"? I asked ignoring the blood part.

Austin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Years back when Mike started working with the company he came to my father with issues about money. He had a fiancè that was pregnant, and he was still living with his mother and just lost his father. He asked my father for a loan". Austin trailed off.

All of this was when he still lived at home?

"My father thinks of Mike as his own, so he agreed with the loan, only to pay a price to help my father out. Mike got over thirty grand as long as he helped my father with the side jobs. He promised him that your family and your blood wouldnt be touched". He added.

"Your father blackmailed Mike to do his dirty work"? I asked shaking my head.

"That's how it is when you're in charge. Mike glady accepted the deal but had his proposition. Nobody hurts his family, including Hailey and the kids, But also his mother and two sisters". He sighed. "We had a proposal back as protectors, under my father's orders".

"Who protects who then"? I asked and turned to face him. He at least earned eye contact now.

"Niall protects Katie and your Sister Kim. My friend Louis and Liam protects your mother and Hailey, along with the kids". He spoke and put his hands in his pockets.

"So who protects me"? I askes and crossed my arms over my chest, staring off.

"Me. With strick orders from your brother and my dad". He slightly smiled.

My heart fluttered, my mind going crazy. So he was my personal bodyguard. "Some people heard about you. Your blood line is rare, and-" then he stopped.


He took a deep breath and spoke. "You have the RH factor in your blood".

My mind was spinning as I felt sick.

"When we made the agreement, Mike had given us phone numbers, pictures and a list of things about you and your family. Even medical records. Your father and you shared the blood type. When he passed we needed to find you. That's when we found Mike instead. It was our job to do what we needed to keep you guys safe. We had to put trackers on your phone-" I cut him off.

"A tracker? When the hell did yo-" but I cut myself off this time. He did it when he took my phone in Miami. It was planned.

"So the stuff that happened between us. That was just you doing your job"? I said, my eyes tearing up.

"No, no not at all. I didnt know that would happen between us. I told you before I couldnt stay away from you. That was me, going against myself". He said and grabbed my hands.

"You cant stay away because my blood attracts you to me. I'm nothing more then blood analyzer"! I cried.

He shook his head, bringing me closer to him but I hit his chest.

"I fell for you because of your light. You protect me. As long as you have blood running through your veins, you belong to me". He sighed.

"Correction, I belong to no one". I spoke

Austin chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "Exactly". He spoke.

I was shocked hearing all of this. I've always been so smart to understand things. Then something clicked.

"Did you steal that ammo and stuff. It was on the news". I asked and he shook his head.

"No, we've been tracking that. Someone is trying to sell guns, and bringing them to our deals. Its hard to explain". He spoke.

He grabbed the tie of my sweater and pulled me closer to him. "I dont expect anything from you. I just wanted to make sure you're okay". He sighed.

I kept my eyes on him, watching the way his face expression changed. He was telling me the truth. The only way I believed him was the eyes. They were bright today.

"I believe you. Thank you for telling me but I don't think I'll ever be okay with this. It's all scary to me Austin, Do you understand the pain you're gonna put me through? I asked. He just nodded.

"I've known that chance since the first day I met you. I would die for you".

I looked down, biting the inside of my cheek. I literally had no words. When my eyes met back with his I nodded. "I believe you".

"You're not going to ignore me, yell at me, punch me in the face"? He asked.

I shook my head and placed my forehead against his. "Just give me some time to think about all of this. I'm not going to yell, I'm not going to ignore you. I just need time". I spoke and lightly pressed my lips to his.

"So you're gonna punch me"? He chuckled, yearning a laugh from myself.

"No, I may break my hand. just please. No more lies, no more secrets". I added.

"I can do that". He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"I got to go back inside. Will I see you later"? I asked already breaking my 'i need space' talk.

He nodded slowly and gave me another kiss before walking back to his car. Once he drove out of the parking lot I walked back into the building. My boss April standing there.

"That wasn't Alex". She smirked and I felt my face heat up.

"No, hes nothing like that one". I smiled and walked back to my classroom.

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