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Sapphire. The most common part of death to a vampire. After he asked me to officially be his he sat me down, explaining everything. The sapphire necklace I always wear isnt just a beautiful piece of jewelry. This little diamond protects my blood. Anybody who would try to bite me, or take my blood will die. The day I saw something red inside of it was what was left of Austin's blood before he changed. I was protecting his life and I didnt know it. Now, the silver ring I was given has sapphire engraved behind it, protecting me completely.

"Why doesnt it effect you"? I asked as we sat in his bed.

"As long as my blood is in that necklace, I'm safe from the harm of it. I made it clear to my father that I wanted my blood with you, always. That's why I cant leave you alone. That's why I can hear your thoughts from miles away. You have a piece of me". He smiled.

I wrapped the blanket around my naked body as I grabbed a hold of his hands. "Can I ask you something".

He nodded slowly. "If you drink the RH blood and since I have it. Is it different"? I asked.

He shook his head and kissed my ring. "The RH blood is what makes me stronger. It's the rarest blood out there. That's why I only take two drops. Once we run out, I start to die". He frowned.

My heart sank as he shook his head. "No, dont do that that lowers your heart rate when you do that". He said and placed his hand on my heart.

"Did you take any of it today"? I asked and he shook his head.

"No. I'm out". He smiled and kissed my chin. "Were waiting on some people to send more who work for my father". He added.

I pulled away and got up. He wondered what I was doing. I grabbed the blue pocket knife out of my jacket pocket and walked back over.

"Alana, no". He stiffened but I shooed him away.

I poked my finger with the knife as a small amount of blood came out. I squeezed my finger to give more.

"Dont. I've controlled myself for years to only take two drops. I could kill you if I take to much". He spoke softly.

I removed the blanket from us and straddled his waist. I grinded my hips slowly to get him hard, then slowly sitting on him. Moaning quietly. I placed my finger infront of his mouth.

"You need it. I'm giving you all I have. Take it". I said and slowly put my finger in his mouth.

At first he did nothing then I felt the pressure. He sucked my fingers causing a tingling sensation in my hand. It felt weird. He kept at it for a minute or so until he let go and I pulled my finger away. In that instant I saw his eyes go from dark blue to a beautiful light blueish green. His face got color, and I swear he had flushed cheeks. I smiled, leaning down and kissing his chest.


I sat at my desk as the kids played indoor recess. Watching how their faces lit up as they played. It was almost my birthday and Austin hasn't said anything about it. I glanced down at my finger tips, spotting all the days i let him take my blood. It's been a week since everything and I really miss him. My phone lit up on my desk, smiling as I saw his name.

"I miss you to princess".

Stupid vampire I thought to myself and giggled, getting another text.

"That was just mean"

"Ms. Karter may i use the restroom". One of the little ones asked.

I stood up, lining them all up so we could go as a group. As we walked down the hall I spotted the principle Mr. Hart and April standing there. He gave me a smile and stopped as I waited for the kids to go.

"You have a gift in the office. I wanted to come and tell you myself. Go take a look and I'll stay here". He smiled.

I walked down the hall, my heels clicking loud with each step. When I made it to the office I spotted Niall. He gave me a smile.

"What are you doing here"? I laughed and he handed me a bouquet of red roses. Attached was a card.

To my beautiful girlfriend

Take some time for your self this weekend for your birthday. Come and celebrate with me. Attached is an address. I'll see you then.


Niall pretended to wipe his eyes. I hit him with the card. I walked out and back to my classroom as Mr. Hart stopped me. "You are free for the weekend. Go enjoy yourself, happy birthday". He smiled as another teacher Mrs. Wright opened my classroom door. She was my sub.

I nodded and grabbed my things, trying to answer all the questions from my kids about the roses. Once I left the school I immediately called Katie.

"Did you get them"! She asked.

I laughed. "Yes, are you coming to"?

She started laughing again. "Oh I'm not going. You will be meeting your prince charming there". She giggled. She hung up before I could say anything else. When I pulled up to my house my mom was standing outside with Desmond.

"We have your things packed". He smiled, I didnt even get out of the car yet.

"Okay"! I squealed and hugged my mom and handed her the flowers. I grabbed my bags from Desmond and started my drive. Excited to see what was to come.


I planned it out so perfectly. Liam and Harry stood with me as I checked out the cabin for the weekend. Harry handed me a bag of blood and I declined. Ever since Alana let me drink from her, I didnt need it. I set the champagne in the bucket as Harry cupped his hands together. "You got everything"? He asked.

I nodded and stepped outside. The snow was still falling and it was just perfect. Once Harry and Liam left I sat there, waiting for her to walk in the door.

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