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Alana POV

I clenched my stomach, screaming in pain. The look on Austin's face hurting me even more.

"They have no room to move". Liam said as he checked the sonogram. He got up and walked over to me as he pushed on my stomach.

I yelped out again, causing Austin to grab my hand. "I cant do this". I sobbed. "I just cant".

Liam nodded slowly and brought something over that was on the table. "Epidural will help". He offered.

"Yes, now". I demanded.

Austin pulled me forward and pushed my shirt up my back as Liam walked over with the needle. That pain hurt more the the contractions. They both laid me back down, Liam starting an IV.

"Hey baby girl. You're okay, you're okay, just look at me". Austin whispered and pulled me into him as he sat on the bed.

"Now Lani, this birth wont be easy. I have to make sure your heart is strong enough so you understand this. If I need to protect your heart I'll have to stop it once they are delivered". He said.

I yelped out again in pain as my babies kicked. Suddenly my breathing hitched, causing me to gasp for air.

"That was the lung, they are pushing their way out without us". Liam spoke calmly.

Austin grabbed the oxygen mask, placing it over my mouth as it helped a bit. "When will it be over"? Austin asked and Liam shrugged.

"I only did two vampire births in my life mate. It happens differently. Right now her vitals are stable but I cant get a good look since the babies moved down". He said as Austin grabbed my hands.

"Moved down"? I asked under the mask.

"Down to the cervix, the boy will be coming first. I just hope the bleeding stops". He said and grabbed some other medication off the side table.

"Will she bleed out"? Austin asked.

Liam just shrugged his shoulders. "Right now they are drinking her blood. She may lose alot". He said. "We dont have much to give her back, the order never came through". He added.

Another wave of pain went through me as the room spun. "Austin quick, grab that scaple"! Liam yelled.

I darted back as my body began to shake. I felt numb. Was that the pain meds? I shut my eyes as Liam had Austin hold my one leg up. "We need someone else. I cant do it like this". Liam said.

As if right on que Niall walked in, Katie behind him. "Oh my god". Katie gasped, coving her mouth.

"Katie it's not the time. Grab the other leg". Liam hissed.

She ran over and grabbed under my thigh as her eyes stayed on mine. Their voices began to muffle in and out as I dozed off.

"That's alot of blood. Is she dying"? Katie cried.

"Katie". Liam hissed again. I knew what he was doing. He didnt want her to give me a play by play.

"Alright, I'm cutting one out". Liam said.

The pain came back to me as I yelled out, Feeling him cut my skin. Austin rubbing my head. "Its almost done princess". He soothed.

Niall walked into the room with three blood bags and connected them for Liam. "Not yet. Wait".

"What do you mean wait! Shes bleeding out"! He yelled.

"I cant switch the blood supply, it will kill her. Find me more RH". Liam spoke and cut again.

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