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Alana POV

One week later:

I threw another dress to the ground groaning loudly. "Nothing is working. It's like I popped in a week"! I yelled as Katie walked out of my closet with the designer Austin hired.

"My wedding is in three days. I cant find a dress and my emotions are all over the place, and dont let me forget that I'm to fat for these dresses". I sobbed and sat down at the vanity.

"Sweetheart. Do you understand how many pregnant women I fit into a dress daily. We got this". Tommy spoke, handing me another dress.

"I need a break". I spoke and sat up.

I walked down into the kitchen and stopped. Light headedness was a thing lately. I sat at the island in the kitchen and sobbed. The babies kicked and I rubbed my stomach.

"Its not you guys. Mommy is just a mess". I sighed.

"No, mommy is not". Austin said from behind me.

"Dont even look at me. I'm to fat and ugly. Might as well leave me now". I cried again.

His arms wrapped around me, his chin resting on my shoulder. "Stop that". He demanded but I couldnt help it. Its true.

"It is not true. You are the most beautiful women in the world, especially in my eyes darling". Austin whispered and kissed my cheek then coming to stand infront of me.

"You have to say that". I frowned. I felt another kick and rubbed my stomach. "You chose to be with this". I said as I pointed to myself.

"They think otherwise". He chuckled and touched my stomach. "I chose you in all types". He smiled.

"What are they saying"? I asked, wiping my eyes changing the subject.

He smiled and knelt down next to me, placing his ear at my stomach. "My little girl wants her mommy happy". He smiled. "And my little boy cant wait to see you". He said and kissed my stomach.

"Liar". And I got another kick. Okay maybe he was telling the truth.

"Liam says that it wont be long now. Just a couple more days".

"Days"! I yelped. "I'm only six months". I spoke, Austin now cupping my face.

"Remeber what I told you. Vampire babies grow faster. It's normal". He smiled.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, only to fall forward. Austin caught me quickly and set me back down.

"Have you started the blood yet"? He asked. I gagged and shook my head.

"I dont want to". I wined. He walked off to the fridge and grabbed a bag out , walking back over to me and raised an eyebrow.

 He walked off to the fridge and grabbed a bag out , walking back over to me and raised an eyebrow

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"It will help you and the twins". He spoke, opening the top like it was a water bottle.

I shook my head as his eyes lit up and walked to the cabinet. He grabbed a glass cup with two medal straws.  "Then we do it together". He said and turned away to squeeze the blood into the bag.

Here comes the nausea again.

"It can help it go away". He answered my thought.

"Hey, what did I say about answering my thoughts"? I said and he handed me a cup.

"You told me to never do it, but when do I ever listen to you". He smirked

He grabbed the two straws and placed them in the glass. "Just look away, think of it as taking medicine". And with that his lips connected to his straw. My eyes met with his again as I made a face but put my lips around the straw.

"Just stare at me". He spoke as the medal sat on between his perfect teeth.

I did what I was told and took my first sip. Gagging as he told me to go for more. Once the glass was done he set it in the sink "well"?

I shook my head and ran to the sink, washing my mouth out. "How do you do that"? I gagged again.

"You do know out of context it sounds pretty nasty in here". Katie said as stood behind me. "Oh you finally did the blood thing I see"? She said and sat down.

"Tomorrow will be easier". Austin said and I swatted him away.

"Tomorrow! Hell no"! And the twins kicked again.

"They agree with me". He smiled and kissed my lips, his still tasting like blood. "I'll be in my office. Now go try on some dresses". He winked and with that he was gone.

I turned to Katie as she smiled. "I love you two together". She smiled. "Now, put this on". She said and threw the dress at me.

Austin POV

In my office all I could do was listen to Alana. Still gagging over the blood. There has to be a way to make it easier. I bit my knuckle as my thoughts went over and over but my phone ringing made me come to.

"Yeah"? I answered.

"Hows my pregnant daughter in law"? My father asked

"Tried blood today. She hated it". I said and turned on my laptop.

"You'll have that. Just do what your mother and I did. We put it in wine". He said and I shook my head.

"Shes pregnant not going to some mixer dad". I sighed.

"Have you tried a cup she cant see it in"? He offered and I sighed again.

"Her brain automatically knows". I said and glanced at my screensaver, smiling.

 I said and glanced at my screensaver, smiling

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Then it hit me. "Hey pops, I'll call you back later". And ended the call, only to call Liam.

"Hey mate I have a question for you".


"So you will put the blood in a piece if jewelry so it absorbs into my skin"? Alana asked.

"Its your best option. You need that blood for the twins". Liam said and handed me a box. "Dont worry, Austin picked it out". He chuckled.

I opened the box to a beautiful ruby ring.

"The blood is already in there

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"The blood is already in there. All you have to do is wear it". Austin said and placed it onto my middle finger.

I glanced to Katie who was in awe over the diamond. Then back to Austin.

"I guess this will have to do then". I smiled and looked back down to the ring.

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