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Austin left in the middle of the night from a panic call. I didnt catch what was happening but Liam was freaking out. Austin had told me he wasnt going to be able to come back and just for me to get rest. Jokes on him, I couldnt sleep. So I sit in the kitchen, a jar of peanut butter sitting in front of me, the spoon in my mouth. I was bored and wide awake. So many times I thought about getting dressed and going over there myself, but I also didnt want to piss Austin off. So yet again, I was left alone. I took one last scoop of peanut butter, and placed the jar back into the cabinet. That jar was now mine. I giggled to myself an might as well try to get back to bed. I sighed and placed the spoon in the sink and walked back to my room, seconds later a small knock at the front door stopped me. My heart sunk, not knowing who the hell would be here at three in the morning. Was it Austin? I quickly shut the lights off and crouched down against the couch. The tapping of a finger against the hard wood made my stomach churn.

"Alana". They spoke

I crawled up the steps and down the hallway to my room and grabbed my phone. When I dialed Austins number there was a scratching noise against the window. I covered my mouth and tried to hide myself as much as possible. I got into the closet and slowly shut the door.

"Yeah baby"? Austin picked up and my heart started beating again.

"S-somebody is outside my house". I whispered, wiping the tears falling off of my cheek.

"I cant hear you princess, what's wrong"? He asked.

"A-Austin, somebody is a-at my house". I sobbed again.

The line went dead as the scratching got louder. I held my ears and sobbed into my jacket sleeve that was hanging in front of me.


They were yelling my name now and I let the scared tears fall. I just want Austin. The sound of clicking made me hold my breath as I peaked out. They were picking my window lock. The mask covering his face was everything. It was something you saw from the Purge movie. I backed more into the closet, covering myself with a black hoodie, I tried to calm my breathing but nothing helped. I was having a panic attack. I normally dont get them anymore, but I guess this was a reason to. When the popping noise of a silencer on a gun made it's way into my ears I let out a scream, seconds later the closet door opened. I rocked back and forth under the hoodie, two arms pulling me to them as I kicked and screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey it's me princess, it's only me". Austin soothed.

"Check the house, call Louis". The familiar voice soothed my anxiety as I held onto him. He was here.

"Clear, downstairs"? Liam spoke.

"Clear". Niall sighed and put his gun away.

My eyes finally opened to see Austin's adam apple and light stubble on his face. His eyes piercing into mine. I went to look away but his hand stopped me. "Dont look". He sighed and pulled me tighter to him.

Seconds later we were out of my room. When Austin set me down at the kitchen table he grabbed my hand. "You're okay now". He spoke, trying to sooth my mind.

"Who was I-it"? I sobbed as he shook his head. "They were going to kill me". I said and shoved my face into his chest

"Nobody was going to kill you, they wanted to scare you". He said and rubbed my back. That's when Louis walked through the front door.

"Tire tracks spun out of here. They left the dickface in her room for bait. They didnt want her, they wanted us". Louis groaned and kicked the chair next to him.

"Wait, who"? I asked but Austin shook his head.

"Shes lucky nobody else was here. There was a bag of guns outside the window, with tape and rope". Niall said as he walked in holding the red rope.

The red made my stomach churn and I covered my eyes. Austin sat up and grabbed the rope off of him.

"I'm done with his games. He's cutting it close to his free will". Austin snapped and threw the rope in the trash.

"Hes clearly not afraid Aus, he wants us so he'll do anything". Louis spoke and glanced at me. "Alana, stay with Libby tonight". He smiled but Austin stood in front of him.

"No, shes staying with me. Nobody tells Mike a thing you got that"? He hissed, causing Niall and Louis to nod.

Louis poked my side and gave me a smile as he walked out, Niall handing me his gun secretly. "Just in case". He smiled and patted the top of my head.

Austin walked over to walk them out and then back into my room. Seconds later he appeared with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Windows and doors are locked. Let's go". He lightly smiled and walked us out the front door. Seconds later we were on the backroads to his house.

Who was he and what the hell does he want?


I sat in his living room glancing around at all of his things. His home was beautiful, almost everything in here resembling Austin.

He walked in, handing me a glass of wine, I assumed blood in his. he threw a bag on the couch. Pulling out money with it. My mouth dropped as he started counting it right in front of me.

"Might as well get used to you knowing things now". He chuckled and  continued to count.

"Would you like help"? I asked and set my glass down. He glanced over at me then to the bag and gave me a slight nod.

"Make sure its ten". He spoke. Taking a sip from his glass.


"Ten grand". He chuckled.

I grabbed some money out, counting to the grand with ease. His eyes never leaving mine. Once I got the amount I quickly used the white rubberband to put it together, his eyes trailed down to the pile of money then to me.

"What, I cant have secrets to"? I giggled and continued to count, keeping my mind off of what happened hours beforehand.

"What, I cant have secrets to"? I giggled and continued to count, keeping my mind off of what happened hours beforehand

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