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Later that night after everyone left I decided to try on one last dress. Slipping it up my legs and leaving it unzipped I stood in front of the mirror. My face scrunched as I tried to adjust what needed to but nothing worked. This was a stupid idea. I walked over to the bed and sat down. Now I probably wont be able to get up. I placed my hands on my stomach as my babies kicked.


I felt the tear drop down my cheek and rolling under my ear. The pain has been unbearable lately and nothing seems to help.

"You're lucky mommy loves you two". I whispered. "She loves you so much". I sobbed. 

As i laid there all I could do is think. Memories ran through my mind like clock work. Thinking of the first time I met Austin.


"This is his son and business partner, Austin". Mike introduced. He gave us all a smile and shook my moms hand. I've never saw such a beautiful man in my life. My mother offered coffee to the both of them as she lead them to the kitchen. Austin's eyes met every face in the room, shaking hands on the way to the kitchen like he was some sort of celebrity. I quickly fixed my red sweater dress, making me more presentable. When he stopped in front of me he gave me a smirk and held out his hand.

"Hello". His deep voice was soft as his hand grabbed mine".

End of flashback.

The babies kicked me again, excited to see their dad. I took a deep breath and tried to think of something else. Like the night we sat at the empty field, on the hood of his car and talked the night away.


"My little boy. I cant wait until you meet him. My baby girl you better watch out because daddy is super protective". I smiled.

I touched my wedding ring, lifting it above me. Smiling.

"I love your daddy so much you two. Hes made me the happiest girl in the world". I said and started to cry again.

I slowly sat up and walked out of the room, making my way down to the kitchen. The light were off, only making me guess where Austin was hiding. I walked to the fridge and grabbed out one of the blood bags. I grabbed another glass and filled it up to the top and setting it infront of me

"Just stare at me". I remembered those words. Trying my hardest right now. I sighed and grabbed one of the straws.

"I'm doing this because I want you both healthy. Dont tell daddy he was right". I giggled and took a sip.

I gagged again but took another sip. I wasnt going to continue to be a baby anymore. This was something personal to me that I needed to do, but also for my babies. Once the glass was done I set it in the sink. Taking a deep breath and sitting back down. The kicks were easier this time.


I wiped the single tear that came to my eye and laughed.

"One day at a time my babies. One day".


Austin POV

I sat in my office at the computer. I had to finish some of the stuff my father sent over. From across the house I heard the movement of feet making their way to the kitchen. I got up slowy and followed to. Once I got down the steps the fridge opened. She was getting blood. I rested against the wall out of sight and she started talking to the babies

"I love your daddy so much you two. Hes made me the happiest girl in the world".

I looked down at my hands and smiled. Clenching my jaw as I felt the pain she was enduring.

After i heard her take a sip all i could do is stand there

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After i heard her take a sip all i could do is stand there. I slid down the wall, cupping my face in my hands.

"I'm doing this because I want you both healthy. Dont tell daddy he was right". She giggled, causing my smile.

After she was done she stayed there, her head in her hands.


My little girl spoke as it broke my heart. They already loved her, just as much as I do.

I stood up slowy and turned so I was now in the kitchen, her back to me. I made it known that I was there so she wouldnt get frightened. She turned to me and smiled, wiping her eyes.

"Why are you crying princess"? I asked and knelt infront of her.

"I'm just, I'm just so happy". She took a breath quickly.

I gave her a smile and placed my ear on her stomach, hearing both heartbeats along with hers.

"Did I ever tell you about the night i met you"? I asked.

She shook her head. "I was so nervous to see you. I had heard so many stories about you, but that night felt like a dream to me. The moment I shook your hand and kissed it goodbye I made my promise". I said, getting choked up. Which never happens.

"And what was that"? She asked and ran her fingers through my hair.

"I made a promise that one day I was going to love you so much that it was going to hurt me. Little did I know it was that night I left you alone on Christmas". I smiled and stood up.

"I made a promise that no matter how busy I was, or what sort of stuff my dad had me doing that I was always going to make time for you". She grabbed both of my hands.

"So darling, everytime you feel bad about yourself, or everytime you want to give up, just remember how much I love you because you changed me. You changed me to be a better man". I said and leant down to peck her lips.

Her eyes stayed onto me and suddenly the sound of water dropping made us both look down.

"Well how much do you love me to call Liam. My water just broke". She giggled and stood up.

I grabbed my phone and called him on an instant.

"I seen it, I'm almost there". And hung up on me.

"Let's go meet our babies"? I said and kissed her one last time before taking her upstairs to get her comfy.

"Hi babies, daddy cant wait to meet you". I whispered.

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