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When I woke up the next morning I was alone in Austin's bed. Sudden memories flashed back to me as i started to breathe heavily. The finger, the box, Alex. I got up and noticed I still didnt have pants on. I wrapped the blanket around me and searched for the pants. Where the hell did he put them? When I made it out to the living room I noticed he was sitting on the couch watching the TV. His eyes dived back to me and smirked. He shut off the big screen and got up, my breathing hitched again.

"Morning princess". He smiled.

"Morning, um I need my pants". I giggled and he nodded but sat back down.

"Austin I need pants". I spoke again and he nodded, still ignoring me.

I groaned and walked back to the bedroom to search myself. I picked up pillows, blankets and everything known and still couldnt find them. Austin cleared his throat from the doorway and I couldnt breathe.

"Mike got us another night here, I assumed he would have texted you but never did. You're clothes are all packed". He smirked.

"But Austin, I need pants and other things". I said and he nodded.

"I know, but I told Mike and the others you wanted to sleep today so they all went to the beach. I offered to stay back just incase you needed help with anything". He said and my heart was on a full blow attack. He walked over, gripping the blanket.

"They said they were happy that you felt better and to get rest before we leave tomorrow. Looks like your spending your last day with me princess". He opened the blanket, stepping in with me.

I couldnt say anything. My mind wouldnt let me think of anything to say. This is what I wanted, and I most definitely wasnt going to tell Austin that. After last night it felt stupid for crying over Alex and it most definitely kept my mind off the finger in the box. He walked us back to his bed, laying me down. I used the blanket to cover me again as he chuckled.

"Do what you want. The blanket cant stop me". He growled as he crawled up my body.

Who would have thought two weeks ago I'd be letting him do this. With my shirt still on he used this time to kiss my neck, tracing his hands over my breasts. I was very bold to not wear a bra. He pinched my nipple between his fingers, my moaning echoing the room. But then he pulled away.

"I would love to hear you scream under me, but I dont want to share you with everybody else princess". He smirked into the kiss.

I nodded but moaned again as he grinned his hips against me. I couldn't help it. He was making me feel so good. I moaned out again and he stopped, grabbing my throat. He wasnt rough, but I kind of liked it.

"Princess". He growled.

"I cant help it. It feels good". I moaned lightly.

His lips turned into a smirk and kissed down my throat to my stomach and when his tongue found my sweet spot he started. My fingers curled into his hair, pulling at it as he moaned. He liked it

All the moans and heavy breathing stopped when the hotel phone rang next to the bed. He looked at me and winked. "I bet they heard you". He hummed and answered the phone. His fingers connected back inside of my body.

"Yeah, no, no". He mumbled into the phone, his fingers pumping faster. He brought his attention back to what he was doing, licking his lips in the process. I placed the pillow over my face and moaned, hoping it muffled it.

"Yeah no thank you". And with that he took the pillow off of me. I opened my eyes to see him still on the phone.

"I'm a little busy right now. Call in an hour". He chuckled and threw the phone off the bed.

"Austin I'm close". I moaned, His fingers moving dangerously slow, He pushed them deep inside of me. He chuckled to himself and continued the movements.

I moaned out again and clenched my legs around his arm as he pumped throughout my high. When I finally stopped shaking he removed his hand, bringing his fingers to his lips.

"Princess, you sure know how to get me going". He smirked.

He got up off the bed and grabbed his phone, laying back down next to me. I still sat there, being a puddle in my own skin. I know once we leave here it's going to be different. I wont feel this closeness anymore. I turned away from him as he leaned back and put some music on from his phone. Listening to the soft sounds of R&B. He pulled me closer to him, kissing the back of my neck. I rolled over so our noses were touching. I continued to kiss him. We were both covered up, our heads on the pillow and just taking in the company of each other.

"Everything will be alright princess, and I mean everything".

I smiled to myself and shut my eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep. I needed to rest if I would be on a plane tomorrow.

She was making me lose control. Once she fell back to sleep she was out the rest of the night. I waited for Niall to call me. He told me the blood supply was low. I wasn't sure if I can handle anything without it. I put the last two drops on my tongue as I laid my head down. I was testing limits with the devil today. Knowing I wouldnt be able to control my self one day.

I grabbed the phone before it rang and heard Niall speak. "We got it. Liam and I are on our way to grab the supply. Is AB negative fine with you"? He questioned.

I sighed, hating it but it would have to do. Once I hung up i got up and walked to the bed. She was holding my black shirt in her hands. Her nose pressed up against it.

If i had a beating heart it would be racing right about now.

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