011. finding claire

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"This is why you called us? This is your emergency?" Dean questions Cas.

"Yes!" Cas nods.

"No, Cas! An emergency is a dead body, okay? Or-- or a wigged out angel, or the Apocalypse take three." Dean states.

"Take three?" Daphne and Billy mumble.

"Some chick bolting on you is not an emergency. That's... that's every Friday night for Sam." Dean says.

"Dude." Sam rolls his eyes.

"Well." Dean shrugs.

"I've never seen you with a chick on Fridays." Daphne comments.

"Exactly." Dean says.

"Dude." Sam gives his brother a done look.

"This isn't just "some chick." I'm responsible for her." Cas states.

"Since when? You met her once, how many years ago?" Dean asks.

"Oh, so only you and Sam can adopt children, who you have absolutely no relation or history with, and continue to raise them?" Cas retorts.

"I did not adopt children." Dean argues. "They just... live with us. Winchester Motel. Or, um, Winchester Orphanage."

"Dude." Sam gives him a look.

"Hey!" Daphne pouts.

"Wha-- I mean, you are." Dean says. "Sorry for sounding insensitive or whatever."

"I mean, he's not wrong. We are orphans." Billy says.

"Thank you." Dean motions to him.

"Look, Cas, even if we do find Claire... then what?" Sam asks.

"She rolled you and then she ran, okay? It's pretty clear that she doesn't want to play house." Dean says.

"I understand. But I need to know that Claire is safe. And I need your help." Cas states.

"All right. Uh... why don't we go ask around at the group home?" Sam suggests.

"Uh, you know what? We're going to stick here in case she circles back. You go ahead." Dean says, giving Sam the keys.

"Thank you." Cas says.


"Is ketchup a vegetable?" Cas asks.

"Hell yes." Dean nods.

"Mm, actually, technically, it's a fruit." Daphne corrects. She stayed behind with them since she was hungry, but Billy went with Sam.

"Oh, come on, you're one of those people?" Dean groans.

"One of the people who knows facts? Yeah, no, that's a real bummer." Daphne retorts making Dean roll his eyes.

"All right, so spill. What's with the family reunion?" Dean asks Cas.

"I don't know. I've just been... thinking about people." Cas says. Dean looks around before switching his and Cas' plates, taking the angel's burger. "I've helped some, but I've... I've hurt some."

"So you're having a midlife crisis." Dean says.

"Well, I'm extremely old. I think I'm entitled." Cas says.

"How old are you, exactly?" Daphne asks.

"We don't have time for that." Dean says before Cas can answer.

"How long is the answer?" Daphne wonders.

"Cas, listen to me." Dean changes the subject making Daphne pout. "There's some stuff you just got to let go. Okay? The people you let down, the ones you can't save... you got to forget about them. For your own good."

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