058. psychics

336 26 13

Dean walks into the library where Sam hangs up the phone with Jody.

"What's up?" Dean asks.

"You'll never believe this. I got a call from Missouri Moseley." Sam says.

"Wow. What's it been, like, a decade?" Dean asks.

"More." Sam counters.

"How is she?" Dean asks

"Not great. She said that she got out of the life for a while but something happened and she needed help with a case, so I put Jody on it." Sam explains.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because we need to stay here. We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers. Jody can handle this."

"Yeah, maybe she can. Or maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skip out on her to babysit the Antichrist."

"Dean, we need him."

"No, don't."

"Billy and mom..."

"Don't. You... if you want to stay here and Mr. Miyagi this kid, knock yourself out. I didn't sign up for that. So I'm going to go to work."

"Well, if you're gonna go, then... then take Daph." Sam tells him.

"Why?" Dean asks.

"Cause she needs to get out. She's just gonna sulk around here, maybe doing something would be good for her." Sam says.

"So you wanna stick me with an angsty teenage girl? Really?" Dean asks.

"Hey, you're dad number two, remember?" Sam recalls.

"Yeah, I also don't recall signing up for that. It just fucking happened." Dean says.

"And you love it, whether you admit it or not. So take her and... I don't know, maybe you can get her to talk. You know, about-about her feelings or-or anything, really."

"Sam, I'm not fucking Oprah. I'm not gonna make her tea then let her cry in my shoulder while we discuss our innermost darkest secrets."

"Just take her."



"Why am I here? I was perfectly happy in my room." Daphne complains.

"Because it's not healthy for you to trudge around the bunker and hole up in your room." Dean says.

"No, but it's a lot more fun than whatever the fuck this is." Daphne retorts.

"It's a case. So just... put on your happy face." Dean tells her.

"Are you putting yours on?" Daphne questions.

"This is my happy face." Dean says.

"That's your everyday face." Daphne corrects. "And usually you're mad every day."

"Just-- just remember the rules and be nice, all right?" Dean says, pulling up to the crime scene. Daphne rolls her eyes, reluctantly getting out of the car when he does.

"Dean!" Missouri smiles.

"Missouri, Jody. I'm not sure which one to hug first." Dean says, Jody motioning for him to hug Missouri. "Hey." He hugs the woman.

Daphne stays back, watching Dean reunite with them both.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry for your losses." Missouri tells the Winchester.

"Ah, leave it to a psychic to cut right through the small talk, huh?" Dean says.

"Come here." Jody holds an arm out to Dean.

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