083. rules

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Daphne sighs as she watches Dean pace in front of the chair he made Lennox sit in.

"Now... just because the risk of you guys reproducing has gone from slightly possible to non-existent... that does not give either of you the right to have sex." Dean states, glancing between the two girls. Daphne rolls her eyes, quietly groaning in annoyance.

"If you two are in a room, that door stays open -- wide open. And if I catch you with the door shut, the door comes down." Dean says.

"You can't do that." Daphne argues.

"Oh, I can and I will." Dean says and she rolls her eyes again. "Now, Lennox... you will not hurt Daphne in any way. You will not make her cry or-or hit her, break any bones, do anything that causes her physical, mental, or emotional harm. If you do... Billy, Sam, and I will kill you."

"Now... do we all understand?" Dean asks.

"Well, what if she hurts me?" Lennox asks.

"Well, you're not my kid, so... good luck." Dean shrugs. "Capiche?"

"You're absolutely ridiculous." Daphne tells him.

"I am protecting you." Dean says.

"By needing the door open?" Daphne asks.

"Yes. Now, you break any of these rules, and you hurt her, there will be an angry Dean to deal with. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Lennox mockingly salutes him and Daphne snorts.

Dean gives her an annoyed look.

"You two get sassy, you'll get the doors taken off now." Dean says making both of them roll their eyes. He stalks out of the room.

"I'm sorry." Daphne tells Lennox.

"He's adorable." Lennox laughs.

"You say that now, but if you do hurt me, he will at least almost shoot you." Daphne says.

"Well, then, I guess it's good I don't plan on hurting you." Lennox says.

"Does work in your favor." Daphne smiles.


Lennox and Daphne are sitting at the table and watching Jack pour a bunch of sugar in his coffee.

"Want some coffee with your sugar, buddy?" Lennox asks.

"There is coffee in it." Jack says, giving her a confused look.

Lennox hides her amused smile behind her coffee cup.

"Geez, what's up with the sugar?" Dean asks Jack as he walks in.

"Well, without my powers everything everything tastes different so I can't get this how I like it." Jack says.

"Seen Sam?" Dean asks.

"He went to meet up with Charlie." Jack informs. "You were on an overnight run to Mary and Bobby's place. He said it couldn't wait. They're probably doing something really exciting."

"So he just left you here, huh?" Dean asks.

"Yep. Sam wanted someone around when you came back. He's worried about you." Jack says.

"We just didn't wanna go." Daphne says, motioning between her and Lennox who nods in agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds like him." Dean says.

"Dean, what happened with Michael, no one blames you." Jack says.

"Cool, well, I blame me, so..." Dean says as Jack coughs. "Still with that cough, huh?"

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