032. god

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Daphne and Billy are playing Pictionary while Dean is ironing.

"Oh, perfect." Sam walks in. "We're gonna need our suits."

"Tell me you got something on Amara." Dean says.

"Uh, it's a long shot, but the clock's ticking, right? Whatever Amara's doing to Lucifer." Sam says.

"Yeah. Beating on Cas in the meantime." Dean says.

"Yeah. Uh, Hope Springs, Idaho." He hands Dean the tablet. "A guy named Wes Cooper killed himself after killing a co-worker. According to the reports, though, nobody knows why. Apparently he was a perfectly happy guy and then... snap."

"So, what? Possession?"

"Or he was soulless."

"It ain't much, but given what we got, I'll take it." Dean gives Sam the tablet back. "There you go." He hands Sam his shirt.

"Thanks." Sam says as Dean walks out. Sam's eyebrows furrow and he sniffs his shirt. "Dude, quit ironing my shirts with beer!" He chases after Dean as the siblings snicker.

"Billy, I told you, I give up." Daphne says.

"It's a horse." Billy says.

"That's a horse?" She points at his drawing.

"Yes." Billy nods.

"No." Daphne shakes her head. "No, it... it really isn't." She gets up and leaves.


"Appreciate the FBI taking an interest in this case. We don't really see things like this around here." Mac says.

"Hey, you mind if I knock off, sheriff?" Jan asks.

"Let me guess, Art's back?" Mac asks. "Newlyweds." He says. "You can go home after you show Agent Greer the M.E. files."

"Thank you, sir." She smiles appreciatively.

"Thanks." Sam says, following Jan.

"What do you have on Wes Cooper?" Dean asks.

"I talked to his friends, family. Nobody can make heads or tails on why he did this. We have a witness who overheard Wes before he took his own life. he was saying things that sounded out of character." Mac says.

"Yeah? How so?" Dean asks.

"Wes said that his life was meaningless, nobody loved him. It was like every negative thought he had ever had came spilling out." Mac explains.


Jan shot her husband last night and the brothers went to the scene after the sheriff had called them. It's daytime and Daphne and Billy are in the Impala while Sam and Dean are in the station and they're trying to find Jan.

Soon, Sam and Dean come out, Dean opening the backdoor of the Impala.

"You two, out. Go inside." Dean orders.

"What? Why?" Billy asks as he gets out, Daphne following.

"This whole people go killer thing, the fog, it's Amara. It's dangerous, go inside." Dean orders. He guides them towards the police station, stopping when he notices Jan get out of her car.

Jan has black veins and she's holding her gun. Dean takes his gun out. The siblings stop, Billy holding Daphne back to watch what happens. Sam walks over to Dean after getting some people to go inside.

"I tried to kill myself. But she won't let me. She has a message... for you, Dean Winchester." Jan says.

"Amara? Is she here?" Dean asks.

freaks come out at night, SPN, DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now