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"Do you need something? Uh, water? Maybe food? I'll buy you anything."

"No, it's okay Ate. I'm not hungry nor thirsty. Thank you."

"Just tell me if you need something."

I gently caressed her smooth hair while she's quietly sitting on my lap. Minutes have passed ever since that scene has happened. I honestly didn't know what to say. I have no right to judge Evangeline just because she acted that way in front of her little sister. What Camille said to me about her is still lingering inside of my head. I couldn't just ignore the fact that she's suffering from the inside.

Growing up, I never even once cried like how Aliah cried earlier. Call me weird or what but I only cried my heart out when my Dad passed away. That's the only moment when I felt so devastated and hopeless. I have no siblings so I'm not good at comforting others. I couldn't even give comfort to myself. I rely on time 'cause I believe in the saying that time heals all wounds.

"Ate, can I tell you something?" Aliah whispered to me.

She buried her face onto my chest. I stared at her warmly. She looks so fragile and delicate just like her sister.

"What is it?"

She started sniffing. "If I was your little sister, would you love me?" My eyes widened upon hearing what she said.

That took me by surprise. "Uh, o-of course. You're cute and you love to ride on a bike. I used to ride on a bike too when I was your age. And you're kind. And sweet. I can't see any reason for me to hate you." I showed her my genuine smile.

I only say what's on my mind. If I want to say something, then I'll say it without hesitation and right now, Aliah needs comforting words that will make her forget about what happened a while ago.

"Really? You mean it?" She looked at me with those puppy eyes again.

I chuckled. I pinched her nose. She flinched. "Yup! So don't be sad. I'm here for you." I hugged her. She hugged me back.

I think it's nice to have a little sister like her.

"Is my Ate Evangeline pretty?" She asked me again. I tilted my head and nodded. We've been in this position ever since I carried her all the way here at the sofa. Yes, she's not heavy but my thighs begun to feel numb along with my feet.

"Yes, she is. She looks exactly like you." Sagot ko. Napangiti siya at biglang yumakap sa leeg ko.

"You're pretty too, Ate. I wish you're my big sister."

A small smile formed on my lips. I'm happy to hear those words from a little girl who longs for her big sister's attention. I wish I can also give love to the people whom I care the most. It's not my nature to show affection 'cause I find it hard when you're giving your all but they'll end up leaving you anyway.

That scares me a lot. "I think that your Ate loves you." I whispered.

I felt her nodded. "I hope so. You know, Ate, I never got the chance to meet my Mom."

Kumunot ang noo ko. "Why?"

She shrugged. "My Dad said that she died when I was still a baby. It's sad and I wanted to hug and kiss her as many times as I want. Dad told me that Mom loved me even when I was still inside of her tummy. That made me happy enough." She giggled.

I patted her head. "Your Mom still loves you. You may not see it but you feel it in here." I pointed her heart.

She smiled. "Yup! That's why it's okay for me to be alone sometimes. Ate may not say that she loves me but I also feel it too."

Nocturnal (Ability Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now