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“What do you want to talk about?”

“I- uh, I wanted to say sorry about what happened that night... when you saw me i-inside the forest.”

This topic again. I’ve been trying so hard to forget about what happened that night but I guess it won’t just dissappear without her saying something like an apology to me who happens to be there to prevent her from killing herself.

“What happened that night was not your fault so you don’t need to say sorry to me.” I said it with finality.

We’re currently here at the entrance of the school and our fellow students started showing up one after the other.

She looked at me with those sympathetic eyes of hers which was truly unexpected because when I was at their house, she was purposely hiding on her boyfriend’s chest.

“No, it was my fault. If you weren’t there that time, I would’ve probably killed myself mercilessly. You made me realized that my sufferings wouldn’t end even if I took away my own life.” She began to sob.

Her shoulders started to move up and down. Seeing her crying and looking fragile at the same time makes me want to offer her a hug and comfort her until she became better.

I lived my life not knowing how to care about others. It also shows that I lack sincerity when I try to comfort a friend who was having a bad day or trying so hard to keep her life together.

“I just don’t want to see someone commit such an act that could make everything worse for her and for the people around her.” Yes, I’m in no position to say that but if she’s trying to kill herself, at least think about the people who cares and loves you.

If you’re not feeling okay or you’re experiencing something that might turn into a mental health problem issue, it’s better if you seek for assistance of your family or even experts.

“I didn’t wanna do that in the first place. It’s just...” She sniffed while wiping her face that got completely wet with all of her endless tears.

Students who passed by beside us kept looking at me as if like I did something wrong to her.

This is bad.

Them knowing my Instagram account is enough but me being the topic of the school body after this is not a very good idea.

Why do I keep encountering people who likes to cry in public?

I tried caressing her shoulder to show my sympathy towards her.

All of us living here on earth have different circumstances in life and Evangeline is a brave person for realizing her mistake for what she did.

“Your problem is not your problem alone, Evangeline. Aliah’s trying her very best to get close to you. A-And your boyfriend seems to care about you a lot. I just hope you’ll get through this someday.” I meant what I said for her.

If she continues to isolate herself from the people around her, how can she get help and support? This kind of issue is somewhat related to me because there was a certain point in my life where I’d thought that dying is the only way to attain everlasting peace.

Yes, you could literally attain peace by passing away but realization hit me with the fact that I was saying those words in a metamorphic way.

Someday, I’ll learn how to appreciate my worth and when that day comes, I wish that peace and happiness would follow.

“Yes, thank you so much. I’ll never do that again for the sake of my family.” I really do hope she’d never do that again for Aliah and her Dad.

Nocturnal (Ability Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now