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Xylem and I spent the first whole week together; visiting the film studio, going to the mall to purchase random stuff but I did get Momo new toys for her to play with when I get back. We also play around in the city park like little kids who cannot contain their happiness, eating popsicles on a broad daylight, swimming on the beach which gives me a light tan, and many more.

It was a tiring night when I decided to hop on by the window, giving me an access to the whole city. This scenery brings back so many memories. I kinda miss home. Yes, I grew up here in this place but nothing beats the province where my friends and family are.

I leaned back and held the book that I was currently reading. Finishing UWMA while having the chance to witness the progress of the film is a blessing to me. I get to see the behind the scenes and some spoilers from the book. Apollo is very talented. I'll give him that.

"Please stop sleeping everywhere. It's dangerous. Especially when I'm not around to protect you." I read the sentence aloud.

You can definitely say that Alistair truly cares for Mckenzie. He's just like Apollo in some ways. I've noticed that because I somehow experienced it with him. You know, in a friendly way.

I sighed, turning on to the next page. I'm quite anxious for what's going to happen tomorrow. I'll be meeting unfamiliar people with their arts that got selected to enter the contest. Xylem said that the major sponsor— Joaquin's Dad, will be there. Of course, I think it's a given.

I looked up, catching the moon shines brightly in the night sky. There were stars next to it. Watching them together feels like I belong up there; floating in the space.


I turned to see Xylem standing outside of the door. "Yes? What's the matter?"

She shook her head gently and made her way inside, carrying a stuff bear. How cute.

"I... Uh, I want to talk to you about something?" She's unsure but I will listen to her.

I moved a bit to give her some space to sit in. "Yeah, sure. About what?"

Her eyes seem fine. And her cheeks aren't flustered. Earlier, I assumed that she cried because her voice is a little bit raspy.

Even in this dark room, I can see her pursing her lips together and her breathing becomes heavy.

"You know my friend Leslie, right?" I nodded my head. "Yes. I met him and you were there with us."

I'm pertaining to the day of the Intramurals. Alex and his team won the basketball match against the other players of our school and it was fun to watch. The energetic noises and the cheering even from above the bleachers, everyone was having a blast.

"Okay, so, he's here in Manila and is currently staying at his girlfriend's house. I wanted to invite him tomorrow to watch the contest but his girlfriend kind of hates me for being too close to my best friend." I'll take this a complaint.

Pinagmasdan ko siyang matulala sa hangin habang nakayakap sa stuff bear niya. She's really bothered and to tell you honestly, I have no idea how to help her with her problem. If the girlfriend doesn't want you around her boyfriend, it also means that she openly hates you.

"Why don't you talk to Leslie? I'm sure he wants to come and see you win the contest."

She chuckled and tilted her head towards me. I shrugged my shoulders with a smile on my face. Talking to Leslie is the only way for her to give him an invite. It's simple yet complicated because the girlfriend is quite possessive. I suddenly remember someone. Sandra. Jeez. That gives me a flashback.

Nocturnal (Ability Series #1) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon