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Are you familiar with the feeling of uneasiness drawn in on you when two related person are towering in between your side?

"Your Dad's coming to fetch you?"

"Yeah, I'll wait here with Brooke. You can go now."

"Later, Vangie. It's still early to go home."

Yes, I am indeed in between the two while waiting for Tito Sebastian to pick us up. She had told me earlier that her Dad wants to talk to me personally about the matter concerning her littler sister— Aliah. I'm okay with it but Evangeline doesn't need to bring her boyfriend with us while waiting for her Dad to come.

It's just too awkward for me and the fact that people who walked past us kept murmuring something that I didn't even want to know bothers me big time.

Is she not aware that clinging her arms with mine is making me feel uneasy and stiff? I couldn't complain because she did nothing wrong to me but I suppose I have the right to be mad at her for what she had said about Camille earlier.

"Yes, I was actually looking everywhere for you because there's a sudden change of plan." She announced which made me think about the possible factors that affected the plan that she's pertaining to.

"What's the change of plan?" Since we were standing in the middle of the stairs, I peaked on the third floor to see if Camille had already went out of our classroom.

"My Dad wants to talk to you personally about the matter concerning my little sister." That caught me off guard.

I stared at her expressive eyes to see if she was telling the truth. Well, I guess she's indeed telling me the truth 'cause it's natural for his Dad to inform the person who will take care of Aliah for three days.

"Oh, okay. When will I be talking to him?"

She showed me her phone screen revealing Dexter's candid photo as her lock screen wallpaper but I cleared my throat and pinned my attention to the text message that she had received from her Dad.

"Uh, I think I still have time to look for Camille. We can wait for each other outside. See you later." I was about to take a step downstairs when she suddenly held me by the wrist.

I stared at her slender finger gripping me with force. "Why are you even friends with her? Don't you find her disgusting?"

I automatically gasped after hearing what she said about Camille.

Me? Disgusted to Camille? Why would I be?! She's my friend and I know her more than what she knew when they were still friends. How could she say something like that to Camille? She doesn't even have the right.

"What are talking about? I'm positive Camille didn't do anything wrong to you that made you act this way. Why are you badmouthing my friend?" The least I can do is to defend her against the people who talk sht about her.

She shook her head, trying to convince me that Camille is bad news and she is indeed disgusting.

I wanted to throw up the second she said the word disgusting. Never in my life did I encounter people who casually backstab their friend in front of strangers. Don't they feel ashamed of themselves trying so hard to expose the wrong of others just to keep theirs safe and unscathed?

"She's taking Vera for granted. She knew that Vera loves her so much that's why it doesn't matter to her if Vera's hurting or not. I guess you know nothing about their relationship but when Vera confessed her feelings to Camille she acted like a hideous person fell for her. Vera deserves better and she's better off without her." Her voice was soft and gentle despite the mean things she said concerning my friend.

Nocturnal (Ability Series #1) ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora