Chapter 21

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March 3rd, 2017

"What is all this?" Luke mumbled, as he was being dragged back inside the house by Lorelai where Jess and Rory were waiting for him in the kitchen. Since the minute Rory and Jess had showed up on her doorstep saying they needed to tell them something, Lorelai had had a hunch - a hunch that the two were involved, that is. But it had been enough for Lorelai to instantaneously drag Luke away from his next project in the garage - another boat restoration, just one that was smaller and more likely to actually float compared to the one his father had once owned.

"We have some news," Jess said, putting his arm around Rory for the first time in their presence, or public for that matter, since they'd gotten together a little more than three months ago. It was a miracle they'd manage to keep it to themselves that long to be honest, but it helped that Rory hadn't lived in Stars Hollow most of the time but in Hartford, with less prying eyes.

Luke looked very happy at that sight. They could both tell. It was a rare sight to see him this relieved and joyous.

"Glad to see that," Luke congratulated them patting Jess' shoulder, already jumping into conclusions.

"Luke! Let them speak!" Lorelai urged, sensing there was something more.

Paul Anka barked as is repeating what she'd just said.

"Well... we're happy to announce..," Jess began but suddenly felt like what he was about to say differed from what he was expected to say. At least by Luke.

"I'm pregnant," Rory said, running on Jess' wave of euphoria herself. Seeing him this happy, made her feel happy. It went a long way and would continue to go for a while, looking forward. She pulled out a sonogram picture from her back pocket to prove it.

Lorelai's mouth dropped open much like it had the last time, except she and Rory were the only two in the room that knew about that time. Rory had waited the full twelve weeks to tell her this time. It had been hard - but she'd done it, the much weaker morning sickness having helped considerably. The hardest part had been Paul Anka in fact, the dog having favored Rory like she'd had sugar toes every since, wanting to rest his head on her lap whenever she sat down.

"Wow-..," Luke exclaimed, gathering himself sooner than Lorelai did. "That's incredible, congratulations. I'm so happy for you," he continued to hug the two again. "I didn't even know...," he began, wanting to say that he didn't know they were seeing each other again. After all, the last time he'd asked Jess about it the day before his own wedding he'd gotten no more than a grunt in return.

"Mom?" Rory inquired, seeing her mother's stunned face. It was rare that her mother was this tongue tied.

"Oh honey, congratulations," Lorelai said, having gathered herself and hugged the two as well, but Rory could tell she had a lot of 'but'-s that she wasn't saying in front of Jess and for that she was thankful. She didn't need her to say them, she knew those 'but'-s herself.

"So what does this all mean?" Luke inquired, not hiding well that he had expected another type of announcement.

"That I'll try to be around here more," Jess replied, plainly. He was never one for romantics, like dropping on one knee just because Rory was pregnant. They hadn't been in this long enough - Jess was not that kind of guy to jump into the legal side of things lightly. Besides, he had a hunch that she wouldn't say 'yes' even if he did - just for that reason alone.

"Harford," Rory added, having already enrolled at the local university, not wanting them to start hoping they'd move to Stars Hollow. She even had a few substituting lessons under her sleeve already, both at Chilton and in other schools around the State, there being a big demand for teachers.

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