Chapter 83

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August 27th, 2022

Logan and Lorelai were sitting across from each-other at Lorelai's kitchen table. If there hadn't been things to hold and stir - cups of coffee and bowls of ice cream in this case, after a big dinner, one might have seen it as a potentially dangerous confrontation.

It wasn't wasn't quite as bad, thankfully, but not entirely innocent either.

"So this is the first step at moving my daughter and granddaughters all the way to New York?" Lorelai asked Logan. Her tone held a mixture of accusation and light teasing.

Rory had excused herself to go off to watch Em outside, where Loki and Robin were playing, because it had been too hot and stuffy for her inside, having struggled to find a comfortable position for herself and her growing belly, large portions of food giving her some heartburn. Before that, however, they'd gone over the pictures and video tour of the place in the Upper East side that they'd made a decent offer on the day before. The realtor had been very optimistic and the owners eager to sell quickly. They hadn't even really planned on showing the place to Lorelai until the sale was final, but it had been Em that had spilled the news and then it had just been easier to show her.

The apartment was a 4-bedroom on E 74th Street, a pretty modern-looking place that was move-in ready and also dog-friendly. It also came with a gym and had its own indoor playroom, which certainly didn't hurt. They'd felt it was pretty borderline whether they'd need another bedroom or not, as that really depended on how much time they'd end up spending there. There was a windowless office space and spare den that would work as a guest bedroom if need be. Mostly they'd just thought about the need to factor in a nanny that would have the space to sleep over on occasion if they ended up being out late. But overall it was everything they'd wanted, including its location at a walking distance from Logan's office. Rory would be getting what she'd wanted too - even the house was perfectly no-descript, nothing that would draw too much attention to them. If it hadn't been Manhattan, she could've almost believed it was a regular upper-middle class apartment.

Logan gave Lorelai's question a moment of thought - trying to make sure he was reading her correctly.

Surely it was better that he was buying a place in Manhattan rather than one in London? - he thought.

"It's so we wouldn't have to drive all the way to Hartford late at night if we have business in the City or if Rory has a meeting with her editor or something it'd be easier to have the kids somewhere where they're... comfortable," Logain explained, biting his tongue a little, nearly having mentioned that they'd factored in the place being convenient for babysitting. He knew better than to mention they were interviewing nannies too, the kind one employed full time and got to sign non-disclosure agreement to protect their privacy, but didn't aim to actually use as much, but had the convenience of a person on stand-by if need be.

"Why not just get a hotel room or bring the kids to work with you?" Lorelai inquired, finding a flaw in that logic.

"Because it'd be much more convenient to have a comfortable space with everyone's things in right there so I... we ..wouldn't have to live with a suitcase in the trunk," Logan explained.

Rory and him had talked about this in length - there were a lot of scenarios where that would come in handy. Impromptu work-days running late, surprise business dinners, Rory simply not wanting to air herself in a different environment on occasion, recalling well how Hartford sometimes felt a little stuffy if one was home alone with a baby all the time. They might just want a fun night out on the down - a date night. And Rory also thought further down the line - if she did eventually decide to do something else - New York certainly held all the opportunities. But essentially this was just like having a second home base over there.

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