Chapter 51

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October 9th, 2016

It was like a silent movie. Not black and white, the warm tonality of the hunter-green room and their unintentionally color-coordinated reddish clothes making it more vibrant than that. Dimmed lighting. A scent of pine and something spicier - bergamont perhaps. Pitch darkness and the rustling leaves outside the Inn window. Neither dared to say a word, afraid it'd break the illusion. One last time. One final wild ride. The culmination of it.

Rory's two fingers grazed his chin for what felt like an hour as she looked at him, really studied him, before her lips touched his again. Her kisses were soft and delicate, like butterfly wings against his, but this didn't speak of hesitance, but rather of savoring this.

Logan inhaled her breath for a second, pulling her as close to his chest as he was able to. It didn't matter that there were still layers of clothing between them, he could just feel how it didn't even really matter - all that while he could swear he felt her heart thump in her chest. It made their breathing synchronize.

His hands traveled upwards along her upper-arms and cradled her face. While her delicate fingers began to unbutton his waistcoat, the kiss intensified, electrifying the unforgettable attraction. It was the kiss he'd longed for the whole night, all those touches that he'd wanted to happen but he'd hold off on, unsure where they stoof. He was no more certain now, but she was here, here and now. As his hand moved up from the nape of her neck, his fingers tugged at the hairband that was around her pony-tail, wanting to feel the softness and inhale the deeply intoxicating scent of her hair. It was not something one did with just anyone. Inhale. Once more.

Logan could feel her lips forming a smile through their kiss, almost victorious to cast the thematic waistcoat to the armchair in the corner of the room. His shirt was next, and he wasn't far behind, the gentle strokes on the curve of her back, descending along with the zipper of her dress.

It was almost more nervous than their first time - all this pressure of making these memories last, a final goodbye. Intoxicating like a lucid dream.

This was like a delicate dance, knowing someone's body this well... even if a lot of things were unspoken. Like this they were honest. They did nothing they didn't want to, feel like... Each contact of the skin sent jolts through their bodies, as the final layers were shed. Slow and lazy kisses tasting the skin. Hot air against a sensitive nipple. The evening shadow on his chin grazing her side, tickling a little.

Their scents were a little musky, considering the lateness of the hour, but neither really cared. They'd done it all before. And now - it was now and never again. The first thrust encompassed the mind to an almost mind blowing extent, ensuring no sad thoughts were allowed to approach. This was not the time.

There'd always been trust, even if they hadn't spoken openly about everything.

This wasn't about anyone taking the other, it wasn't about persuasion or proving something. Not even about showing off or losing oneself in the other how it had been time and time again as the means to get away from everything else. This was just the natural course of events, the only way this could end - wave-like moves, speaking of the hunger within their souls, carrying them towards the shore.

There was no rush. No desperate need for the climax, so they climbed towards it several times, not wanting this high to end. Not wanting the touches to stop, not wanting the joint air they breathed to not contain the other's essence.

Yet there was still a point of no return, a moment when the right bundle of nerves could no longer withstand... The way her eyelids fell shut, as the waves of the high traveled to each cell in her body, was one of the most gorgeous sights to him. She looked almost blissful like that, enlightened, her cheeks getting an almost dreamy, golden, glow. Logan buried his nose in her heat, radiating neck as he came moments later, taking a deep breath. Remembering this was survival skill.

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