Chapter 32

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November 21st, 2021

Jess had texted Rory to meet them at the diner before Rory had gotten in her car to drive over to Stars Hollow, having before that gone home to change first.

There wasn't anything that unusual in that as such, as Em did love pancakes and sometimes it just made more sense to walk four houses over for a meal than make it from scratch at Jess'.

Each time Rory saw Jess, however, their interaction had been strained these past few times - both being on their toes about what was going to be said or not said, if the other was going to pick a fight or get a reaction out of the other. So mostly, these past few times they'd said as little as possible.

The diner door chimed as Rory entered and she made her way over to the side table, the one closest to the register, left of the counter, which seemed to be Jess' favorite since forever. It got the least interaction with other customers and it was also closest to the kitchen.

Rory greeted Luke and several of the other people in the diner whom she knew, before reaching their table.

"Hey, you guys," Rory said as she reached them, and hugged Em sideways, meeting Jess' eyes at the same time.

"Mommy!" the girl exclaimed with her jam-stained mouth and Rory had to watch not to get jam on herself in the process.

"Hey," Jess exhaled.

Seeing the girl was nowhere near done with his meal, Rory pulled out her chair to sit.

"I was actually hoping we could talk," Jess began, before Rory had had a chance to sit. "Luke? Do you mind?" he already managed to gesture towards Luke, who was helping out serving tables that day. The girl was mostly fine eating by herself, but it was good to have someone keep an eye on her.

Rory could already feel her blood pressure rising, already thinking what she was going to say or do if Jess really thought this could be again something he could have control over, like he had done it last time - she wasn't having it.

She nearly objected, wanting to say that she really didn't have time to talk that day or that he should just put it in writing, coldly. But simply wanting to get it over with made her relent.

Luke patted Jess' shoulder supportively, most definitely giving Rory the feeling that Luke was on his side. Not something she'd expected, but then again it didn't fully surprise her either. Luke only knew that side of custody issues. But at the same time it could've just been something less direct, and Rory was just reading too much into it. Frankly, at some point she felt she wanted to just have a word with Luke, but she knew it'd be awkward.

Jess led her upstairs. It didn't help that the last time they'd gone up there had been to troll around like puppies, getting an hour or two alone time from their fussy nine-month-old baby, after they'd dropped Em off with the grandparents. It had also been the place where Rory had first told Jess she was pregnant.

As the door closed behind her, Rory knew she needed to say something.

"If you think this will just be another one of your chances to yell at me or call me names then..." Rory shook her head, her arms already on her chest defensively. She pulled out her phone, and showed him the recording app she was putting on.

"I'm not," he said, simply. It was clear he hadn't expected the recording, but said, "Fine!" anyways.

Rory didn't respond but took a seat at the kitchen table, or she wouldn't stop pacing back and forth in apprehension.

"I don't like this," Jess admitted.

"Really? No kidding!" Rory snorted.

"I'm sorry about last time. But I am not sorry for asking 50-50 like that, okay? That I should've done sooner," Jess replied.

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