Chapter 31

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June 15th, 2021

Logan was staring at the intricately carved bar cabinet across the room, a cabinet he hadn't even opened, slipping in and out of some type of a sleepy haze, when his phone rang. It had rang time and time again the past few days, but he'd chosen to ignore it for weeks now. He'd almost considered switching it off altogether, but hadn't even bothered. But as this time the phone just kept on ringing non stop, he finally picked up, becoming a little worried why Colin was calling.

The man could be surprisingly persistent when he wanted to. And just like this time it often got him what he wanted.

Logan had closed himself inside the miniature Kasbah with a private terrace and a pool at a luxury mountain resort in Tamadot, to hide from the scorching mid-day weather. Southern Morocco in June really hadn't been his brightest idea, but he'd craved a break from the seashore and decided to give it a try. The food was great, people were nice, views also pretty incredible, but it only really made him think - 'meh'.

"Yeah?" Logan picked up, sounding unenthusiastic.

"Finally, Logan," Colin replied scoldingly, and let out a deep exhale.

"What?" he asked.

"Did you look at the links I sent you?" Colin asked.

"I haven't...," Logan replied honestly. He had zero intention to read his e-mails more than he really needed to. Mostly that included checking his flight information or hotel reservation numbers. His driver mostly went by phone number so there was little need for e-mail around here to begin with.

"You should," Colin warned.

But that was not what Logan wanted to do. He was sick of worrying, he'd stopped caring about consequences. "Just tell me..," he pleaded, feeling too low on his energy to actually do it.

"The press has been having a field day with you. And I mean I can understand you not wanting to know, but what Odette seems to be doing is coming off as the poor and unfortunate pregnant housewife who's been left to fend for herself. Some of the stuff is pretty mean...," Colin explained, putting it nicely, seeing not point using the terms she'd used.

"I don't really care...," Logan sighed, weakly, and ran his palm over his face.

"Oh come on, Logan. You've already given her most of your money, the apartment - and she's writing it off as a guilty conscience," Colin continued, making it clear he thought it was unfair.

"So what do you suggest - that I start making statement after statement back and forth on whatever she says though the Sun?" Logan huffed, pronouncing the newspaper with disgust in his tone.

"Why are you pissed at me, Logan? I am only trying to help? Who else is doing that for you right now?" Colin shot back. He had every right to be frustrated, truthfully.

"I know, I'm sorry...," he apologized. 

Logan really wasn't at his greatest mentally. Even the holiday in the midst of all of this luxury wasn't something he really know how to enjoy right now. Not like this - all alone, when most of the other hotel guests came in pairs and seemed to be after the romance and the ambiance. He was pretty sure even seeing him sulking was killing the mood for many of them. Hence he'd mostly kept to himself, and had hardly left his room in days. There was only so much he could eat, be massaged and enjoy the pleasures of the pool. Sure, he spent his time reading, but reading for him had become something to get through, something to do as a job, not something he knew how to really get sucked into anymore. Therefore, this venue really wasn't doing much for his mood, but he hadn't quite figured out his next move yet.

"You really don't want to make any statement?" Colin asked him again. "I could just let them have a picture of the paternity report, it'd probably be the end of that," he suggested a fairly simple solution.

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