Chapter 69

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October 18th, 2005

"I'll meet you back at the pool house, okay?" Logan said, having just been on his way to the Gilmore's poolhouse to spend a night with Rory after their date but had realized he'd forgotten his phone in his car. Spending another night with her was wonderful prospect - there was nowhere he'd rather be - especially these days that his father was really being a pain about all his obligations and dragging him off to meetings he couldn't care less about. He hadn't even believed he'd be this content with sleeping with the same girl over and over again. This wasn't boring or challenging at all - being with her and her alone was the easiest thing in the world.

"Don't get lost," Rory chimed, and headed towards the pool house, providing Logan a little scene to observe by adding some jaunt to her walk, curving her hips just right, aiming for his gaze to linger like she'd often seen him do.

That, however, caused Logan to stand a the wrong spot for a few seconds too long and be seen.

"Oh, Logan! I thought I heard a noise!" Richard exclaimed, opening the glass door.

"Richard. Yes, I was just dropping Rory off," Logan fibbed.

"Oh!" Richard replied, glancing at his watch. "Ten o'clock on the button, well done!" Richard complimented him.

"Well, I didn't want to keep her out too late, sir," Logan added, eager to escape this interaction.

"Well, you're a responsible young man, Logan. Say, how about a nightcap? I have a new single malt I'm dying to break in," Richard said, looking a lot more eager than Logan was.

Logan shrugged. "Sounds great," he said with an internal sigh. He stepped in and Richard closed the door behind him. Why did this feel like a trap?

There was a brief exchange as one might expect once they were inside - some pleasantries with Emily, her offering him food which he didn't want or need.

"So, how are things, Logan?" Richard asked, as he sat down.

"Fine," Logan replied curtly but still politely enough.

"Good. Back at school, are you?" Richard asked.

"For a few weeks now," Logan replied.

"Good, good. Good that you're back. Got any classes that you're interested in this year?" he asked.

"Semester's shaping up okay," Logan said, accepting the drink that was being handed to him. "Thank you," he said. He could already feel Richard circling around, there being more point to this conversation than just catching up - he could just feel it.

"Oh. Cheers," Richard raised his glass to him and Logan reflected.

"You working at the Yale paper again?" Richard continued, after having taken a sip.

"Yes, sir," Logan replied with a chime to his tone.

"Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?" Richard replied, meaning it well but Logan couldn't help but to cringe inside at the thoughts. Not if he could help it.

"Not if the tree has anything to say about it," Logan added with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes, well. It's good to see you. We don't get many sightings of you young people nowadays, the two of you, ensconced back there at the pool house. Rory's so busy. Her life's a total mystery to us. She could be in the CIA for all we know," Richard continued.

"Well, I don't think she's joined the CIA, sir, but I'll check her purse for secret documents," Logan hope that joking could somehow get him out of there faster.

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