。three 。

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walking out of slughorn's classroom, astra's face was twisted with slight disappointment. mentally, she wanted to punch a hole through the wall but she also didn't want to get told she looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp. with her robes flowing behind her a little as she strode out of the castle quickly, astra made her way towards the black lake where she had planned to meet her friends after their lessons. phoenix and astra were both in the same lesson before but the young woman had been told to go to slughorn's classroom.

"hey!" phoenix called excitedly, applying makeup to sophia's eyes, the hufflepuff looking up at astra to give her a grin. "ah, don't crinkle my work!"

"hello." astra huffed, sitting down and leaning against the tree.

"have you had an acid pop or something?" harley inquired, placing down her DADA homework to talk to her friend.

"i feel like it." astra replied, tying her hair up, a few strands falling in front of her face.

"what happened? you didn't talk to salem, did you?" sophia asked worriedly.

"no, no. every time i see him i just go down the wrong corridor." astra shook her head and sophia's smile returned, relieved.

"she went to slughorn's." phoenix told the two other girls. "she fancied a piece of him."

astra rolled her eyes as sophia gave a small laugh and harley smiled slightly, "disgusting. all of you. filthy little shits."

"what did he want?" harley asked once phoenix had stopped making exaggerated 'orgasm' faces.

"i've gotta tutor potter." astra responded quietly.

"what?" harley scoffed a laugh as phoenix gasped loudly.

"don't make me say it again. i may be sick." astra sighed, taking a book from her bag.

"that's going against your house! astra walburga black!" phoenix exclaimed.

"i know! and my middle name isn't my mother's... thank fuck. why can't remus do it? or lily? or even you, harls?" astra muttered.

"maybe you can use it as a way to get close to him. figure out his plans for quidditch and fuck him over." phoenix suggested.

"or maybe you could both just be civil for the hour you need to spend in the library." sophia also suggested. "just don't talk about quidditch."

"i know. it's just whenever he's around someone that used to be, or maybe still is, on the gryffindor team, he looks smug as fuck when he sees me." astra mumbled. "it boils my piss."

"we've been here for a week and a half." harley stated.

"yeah, but that's, what, 10 days or so!" astra groaned in annoyance.

"why do you suddenly hate each other? weren't you civil before because of sirius?" sophia asked and she started to do phoenix's makeup, hers done.

"we were but he's being as salty as kreacher's cooking." astra replied.

"well, you can't argue with someone that isn't arguing back." sophia hummed.

phoenix gave a hum and clicked his fingers, eyes closed as sophia drew shapes on them with coloured eyeliner, "she's right, you know. my ex boyfriend wouldn't argue with me so i gave up arguing with him! it's impossible to get angry at someone who isn't angry back!"

"bullshit!" astra sang.

"what? no, it's true!" phoenix objected. "you can't!"

"no, not that. the fact you had a boyfriend." astra smirked and phoenix tutted at her while the two others grinned in amusement.

on the other side of the black lake, the marauders were sitting down on the grass too. remus was trying to read a book on charms but sirius was laying his head on his lap and trying to take the book so it became an annoying task so he shut the book and smacked it on sirius' head before putting it on the floor. james was beside peter, the small mousy boy that followed the group like a lost puppy. the potter seemed down as he threw a pebble into the black lake, probably disturbing the giant squid.

"what is it? your sighs are interrupting my genius." sirius looked at james.

"genius?" remus scoffed. "you just stated that you biggest goal in life is figuring out how to talk to crabs."

"exactly, i'm gonna be a genius when i figure it out! what is it, prongs?" sirius turned away from remus, who was smiling to himself, and back to james.

"i'm gonna be tutored by a slytherin for potions." james grumbled and threw another pebble.

peter gasped, "it's not snape, is it?"

"no, thank merlin." james muttered.

"who is it, then?" remus asked, slapping away sirius' hands when they prodded his face.

"astra." james replied, as if waiting for groans of the same annoyance he was feeling.

"oh." peter said quietly, glancing at the others in confusion. "is that all?"

"'is that all?'" james mocked. "unbelievable, wormtail. just unbelievable."

"he's right, is that all?" sirius asked. "astra's not bad. i mean, sure, you probably shouldn't turn your back 'cause she'll make your hair fall off for an hour, but she's no snivellus."

"you have to say that, you're twins!" james shot back, flopping down on the grass in a dramatic way. "she can probably hear you with her evilness."

"am i really stupid, what's going on?" sirius looked up at remus.

"they're both quidditch captain." remus stated.

"oh! i get it now. shit, we might lose." sirius muttered and james glared at him, deeply offended.

"how would we lose to them?" james demanded.

"astra's captain so that means harley's on the team. she's an amazing flyer." sirius explained.

"so? one amazing flyer doesn't make up for a shit team." james scoffed.

"no, there's more than one good flyer. although bole's not a great flyer but he did manage to break someone's arm last year." remus muttered.

"we'll still win." sirius spoke up again. "you've got me!"

"maybe you should rethink your team." remus smirked. "more specifically your beaters."

"little bitch." sirius muttered.


shit and short 👹

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