Chapter Twenty-Eight: It's Over

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Stiles hit rewind on the old radio, allowing the cassette he got from Brunski to go back a couple of minutes before hitting play again. The sounds of Brunski's voice came through the speakers followed by Lorraine Martians. Ayla had been sitting with Stiles in his room for hours trying to dissect everything about this tape.

"Back to Eichen, Lorraine," Brunski said.

"No. No. I don't think you're gonna be taking me anywhere."

Behind the sound of Loraine speaking, Ayla could hear a faint buzzing, and perked up, trying to listen closer. "That's it. That's where it is. Play it again and turn it up." Stiles did as Ayla asked, playing the tape again.

"No. No. I don't think you're gonna be taking me anywhere. I can hear the recorder in your pocket. It's on now, isn't it? You're making a tape. Just like you taped the others."

"It's the record player."

"What record player?" Stiles asked, turning to the girl.

"The one in the lake house," Ayla began, "in the study."

"So she escaped from Eichen House to go back to listen to a record player?" Stiles wasn't following but Ayla knew she was right, she had a feeling, and she wasn't usually wrong.

Standing up from her Ayla began to walk back and forth. She thought clearer when she was moving around. "Well, she was like Lydia, right? A Banshee? So maybe she could hear things in the sound of the record like Lydia and Meredith can."

"Yeah, but only once. She predicted Maddy's death and then just spent decades trying to predict something else."

The redhead let out a sigh, thinking for a minute as she turned her back to Stiles, suddenly it hit her. "Maybe she finally did. And what if this time, it wasn't just one death, it was a lot of deaths?"

"Like the dead pool."

"What if all those years ago, Lorraine predicted it? And she knew there was something in the study that could stop it?"

"Then we're going to the lake house!" Stiles grabbed his keys and the two rushed out of the house.

They sat in front of the record playing for what seemed like hours, just listening to the sound of it spinning and the needling hitting the record.

There had to be more to this, Ayla thought to herself, staring at the empty record. Something else that would tell them what to do or lead them to the next clue. Something, anything. She can't be wrong about this. If there was a way to stop the Deadpool Ayla was going to figure it out.

Stiles let out a sigh, standing up quickly from his spot on the floor. "What are we doing? This room wasn't even made for us. No, we need someone like Lydia or Meredith, and we're just sitting here listening to a stupid record player play a record that doesn't play anything. Come on. There are plenty of other things we can be totally useless doing." He stormed out of the room into the hall.

Defeated, Ayla began to pull herself up from the floor but something stopped her. Almost like a voice telling her to turn back. There was something she missed. They were in the right place and Ayla knew it. They just would have to figure it out.

"Stiles," Ayla called back to her boyfriend.

"Yes?" he asked, backing into the room.

"We can't leave. The answer is here. I know it."

"How can you be sure?" he practically whined, wanting nothing more than to get out of that room.

Ayla glared at him. "Have I been wrong about my feelings yet?"

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