54. Nymphean woman

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"I met the Goddess,"

I started off, brokenly, still sitted on the Royal chamber's bed with him.

"She told me all sort of unexplainable things, like how my blood is an original Scavenger's."

No more secrets...he had said. Had to tell him the entire scene from my nightmare, or I won't be at rest.

"Ada was right," I carried on, saying. "She talked about the same destiny..."

"Ava." Caspian whispered, cutting my words and taking my hands in his to calm me down.

"She wants an eradication. She quests to put an end to all creatures she created. And I-I, tried giving her reasons not to. That only made her mark me as a rebel."

"She does?" he asked. "Thought we had an agreement. She gave me her requirements, not to be a weak King, and I followed everything. So why?"

"Don't know," I sighed, before continuing. "I just hate that we're in the middle of this...I mean, we have a pup to protect. What if it all goes wrong, Cas?" I added, in a worried tone.

"It won't."

He seethed, in a protective tone. Kissing my forehead, his thumbs spread across my cheeks warmly. We were both silent for a brief while, like pondering on everything.

It was broken after some moments though.

"What creatures did she mention?" he suddenly asked.

"Something about..."

My eyes directed to the window. I stood up from his hold, to raise the curtains so the daylight entered. Today looked like it was going to have a good weather, from the way the morning birds tweeted, the cocks crowed.

I closed my eyes, trying to picture exactly how she had said it.

"...wolves, beasts, vampires and witches. She called them a danger to humanity. The Goddess did the strangest of things, you know." I told him. "Deeds which were very unlikely for a universal being."

I stepped back to the bed to sit with him, slipping my dress on, in the process.

Caspian narrowed his eyes at me, with desire lurching through. It was brief though, gone as soon as I was decent.

"How did she look like?"

He suddenly enquired again.

I wondered why he wanted to know. That was so far from the crucial thing.

"Silver long hair, Face like an Elven or Nymph heritage, clothes in the purest form of white, and an aura that exuded power."

"The raw form of control." I added consciously.

At my words, my mate trembled, with a shaken look.

"It.Can't.Be." he gulped.

His hands beheld his head that minute, like he was having a migraine. Palms spread across his ears, like the entire room was noisy and earsplitting.

"No, no, no..."

He trailed faintly.

"Caspian, are you okay?" I asked hastily.


I reached out for him, he however ripped his hands off, giving a vicious and cold growl.

"Get your hands off me, you evil Nymph!" he exclaimed. I winced at how hurtful he sounded, suddenly feeling an urge to throw up.


I let out. The second I did, he surfaced to his beast, with a gigantic and towering gaze to mine. Breathing in fast paces, still staring at me, yet, like I was a foreign entity.

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