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Cale opened his eyes, feeling his body super refreshed!

-Ahem, you have a deadly disease in your body.

Cale frowned at the sound of the Vitality of the Heart in his head.

'Then?  I'm going to die, right?  What about my baby?'

-I'm sorry, but I can cure the illness.

Why are you apologizing?

-But it will still relapse at any time.  But it won't hurt anymore!  I promise!

Hah... Really!?

-Your baby is fine.  Do you remember he's already received a god's blessing?

Ooh, I remember it.

-It takes time to heal because you have it before you take my power.  Maybe 2 or 3 years.  At least you didn't die!

Right... At least he's not dead.  And he won't be in pain anymore either.

Cale was satisfied with that.

Cale sat up and wanted to find some water, eliminating the taste of blood in his mouth.  He seemed to be fine with the smell of his own blood.


Cale was shocked to see Choi Han with bloodshot eyes holding his hand.  He could also feel his clothes getting wet as the black dragon hugged him.

'What happened?'

Choi Han held Cale's hand tightly.

“I won't ask again about whatever you want to do. Cale-nim, please take care of your body…”

Cale was confused for a bit and looked at the doctor who was sleeping on the sofa.

'Ahh... They must have known about my illness.'
"I'm fine. There's no need to worry."

But Cale's words only made Choi Han cry heavily, holding his hands tight and the black dragon to cry even louder.

-You stupid human!  I will destroy the world!  Hic, hic!

What's wrong with them?

Cale decided to persuade them first.

The doctor woke up to their noise.

"Young master, you should tell your family about your condition. And something in your stomach, your family should know about it too."

Cale sighed.  He's fine though.

"What disease am I suffering from?"

Cale knew he had a deadly illness, but he didn't know the name.


Cale raised his eyebrows.

'Wow... Is this a coincidence?'

Cecil was one of the 3 incurable things in that world.

Death mana poison.
Mermaid poison.
And the last one is Cecil.

And he knew how to heal Cecil really needed luck.

They had to find a white flower that glowed at night, which grew in a snowy area.  And the chance of finding that flower is 1 in a billion chance.

And it will take 5 years to fully recover.

'Since the time taken is longer than that of Vitality of the Heart, I'd rather wait 3 years than look for something nearly impossible.'

Cale was satisfied with his current situation.

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