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In Cale's tent.

Cale wiped Raon with a towel as Choi Han gently dried Cale's hair.

"You really had a big hand, Choi Han."

Cale chuckled as Choi Han's hand almost covered Cale's head.

Choi Han's face just reddened to hear that as he kept dry Cale hair. His brain traveling a bit by that word...

Choi Han shook his head to remove that unimportant thought from his head.

Cale is done with Raon and sits on the chair there.

"Raon, contact the crown prince's. Need to talk to him about something."

Cale still looked relaxed, even when his body still was soaking wet.

Alberu called him every day since he started his journey to the Whipper kingdom even though Cale ignored everything.

'I have a good thing for him too.'

Cale remembers the bottle he got from the whale tribe that is now inside Choi Han's spatial bag.

"Okay human!"

Raon happily connected the crown prince's device.

- You finally call back!  Do you know how worried I would be if something happened to you!?


Without a friendly opening greeting, Alberu immediately shouted at Cale.

Alberu seemed to immediately connect the call without tidying himself up.

Everything was a mess even though his face was still handsome.

- Why do you look like a wet mouse now?  Where are you?

After fussing a bit, Alberu finally calmed down.

"I'm in the Jungle."

- ........

Cale spoke in a calm tone, but Alberu felt like he was going to faint.

- Did you know that pregnant people are not encouraged to enter the forest!?  Not to mention that the Oorim forest rains year-round!

Alberu looked like he wanted to strangle Cale from the communication device.

"Ahem, I've bought a magic tower, and I have something interesting to give you. However, I'm feeling unwell after getting caught in the rain, so I might not come to see you in a short time."

Cale immediately ended the call before Alberu could shout at him with various advice and forbid him from being a pregnant person as if he were his mother.




After a fairly calm goodbye, even though everyone was looking at Cale with respectful and calm gazes, they all seemed to be grateful to Cale.

Cale arrived at the beach which was now all tainted in black because of the ash from the forest fire.

However, the atmosphere on part one of the beach was very calm as the wind continued to blow Cale's hair and clothes.

"It was serene and beautiful."

As long as it was a quiet place, it was beautiful for Cale.

He could laze around there without having to worry about anything from the tranquility.

Bin, who heard that, grew more respectful towards Cale, who seemed to really appreciate nature.

Cale looked toward Choi Han.

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