🔞 Chapter 38: Your Embrace

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One snowy November night, twelve-year-old Taehyung smells a scent that piques his curiosity. The young alpha quickly puts on warm clothing and runs from his room startling his family.

"Tae, where are you going?" Jin asks as Taehyung sprints past them.

"To the forest! I'll be back later!" He shouts and turns to his wolf then dashes into the forest.

"What the hell?" Yoongi mumbles then smells the same scent Taehyung did. The 16-year-old alpha raises his eyebrow in curiosity then runs out of the door of their home to chase after his brother.

What is in the forest that is so intriguing?" Jin asks as Yoongi qiuckly sprints out of the house to follow Taehyung.

"An alpha is on the other side of our pack territory." Namjoon answers and hugs his mate.

"Ohhh ok." Jin hums and goes back to working on his book. "Wait, why are they curious about the alpha?" Jin looks at his mate with a puzzled gaze.

"The scent is strangely strong for an alpha. Also, I've noticed him on the border a few times. Tae is probably curious because he has noticed him before while Yoongi is probably being protective. If Yoongi wasn't so protective of Tae, I would be more worried, but Yoongi will keep Tae safe." Namjoon explains while Jin nods in understanding.

As the twelve-year-old alpha sprints through the forest, the guard from the neighboring pack notices the scent of an alpha rushing towards him. He pauses and waits for the alpha. When Taehyung breaks through the line of trees, he stops and looks at the owner of the strong scent. As the guard observes the young, silver alpha, he realizes that he's seen the young wolf playing in the forest with his family before. He is surprised to see how big that pup has grown.

For an alpha, he has a very sweet scent. He's also rather curious. The wind must have blown my scent towards his home. Why would someone from his pack and class be curious about someone from my pack?

To the guard's surprise, Taehyung barks at him and wags his tail in excitement. Go home, Kid. As he continues patrolling his pack border, Jungkook notices that the excited wolf is still following him with a playful glint in his eye. Jungkook sighs and growls to scare the younger wolf away, but this elicits a playful growl and yip from Taehyung.

If I am correct, he is on the property of the Kim Family. Then that means he is likely Kim Taehyung, the youngest son of the family. That also means that the oldest son of the family is the one who is watching from the shadows. What is it with this family and their curiosity?

Before Taehyung can chase after the large, black wolf, his older brother comes sprinting form the trees with a ferocious snarl. Taehyung quickly snaps at his brother to stop him from threatening the alpha from the other pack, but Yoongi pays no heed and increases the intensity of his scent.

Not wanting to upset the snarling wolf more, Jungkook walks away and continues patrolling his pack's border. As he walks farther away, Taehyung whines and tries to follow after him. Yoongi barks and blocks Taehyung, keeping him from following the other alpha.

Taehyung whines as he watches the pitch black alpha disappears in the shadows. The pouting alpha plops down into the snow with a huff and stares at the area where the alpha disappeared while his older brother protectively stands over him.

"Why do you want to play with him?" Yoongi asks as he turns to his human form and sits next to the pouting wolf.

Yoongi chuckles as Taehyung responds with various fussing sounds as he fusses about Yoongi stopping him from playing with the other alpha. The older alpha lovingly hugs his fussy brother. He knows why. Taehyung is naturally a submissive alpha, so he got excited when he found a strong alpha.

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