Return of Savanti Part 2

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Savanti Romero is astride a T-Rex, with Renet and the turtles standing in front of them.

"Welcome turtles. I have been expecting you" Romero said. "I called it. It was a trap. Pay up" Mikey said. "Oh, I didn't know we have a guest"Romero said as he look at Alison. "Excuse me but forget about it, "Alison said.

The T-Rex starts for Renet, but Leo grabs her arm and yanks her out of the way. "And you, Renet, hand over the Time Scepter or watch your little green friends become dinosaur food," Romero said. Michelangelo and Donatello turn to see Deinonychus coming towards them.

Donnie starts wheezing, preparatory to a sneeze. Mikey pushes his nunchuck against his brother's face to stop the sneeze. "Last time you sneezed you caused a dinosaur stampede. This cold of yours is gonna be the end of us" Mikey said. "Whoa!"Renet said. 

Leonardo has flung Renet over his shoulder and runs towards Zog, the Triceratops, where he stops. "Leo, put me down! This is embarrassing. Put me down, oh!" she said. Leo places her atop Zog. "Stay there and fix the Time Scepter," Leo said.

"Wait, I... oh, nuts. I have to do something" Renet said. She shakes the Time Scepter. "Come on, work!" she said. She swings it forward and it sparks, startling Zog, who takes off running. "Whoa!" she said. 

Zog plows into the T-Rex, which stumbles for a few feet and then turns to charge at the Triceratops. "Whoa!" she said. Leo turns and races at Zog, who is running at the T-Rex. Leo leaps onto Zog's head, bounces off, and flies at Romero. 

He hits Romero and both fly off of the T-Rex just before Zog smashes into it. Renet goes flying off of Zog and hits the ground. The T-Rex topples over onto its back and lies unmoving. Zog stops and snorts. Renet runs past Zog and then stops. "Is it over? Did we, like, win?"Renet said. 

"You dare touch me?"Romero said. He lifts his hand and a ball of red energy sparks to life. Romero throws the energy ball at Leo, who receives a shock and is knocked down. "I grow tired of this," he said. He lifts his own scepter, which is topped by an animal skull. 

It glows red. "Bring me the Time Scepter, my pets! Bring it now!" he said. A group of Pterosaurs gathers in the sky, their eyes glowing red with Savanti Romero's magic. Renet turns to run, but one of the Pterosaurs swoops down and hits her, knocking her to the ground and making her lose the Time Scepter. 

Before it can hit the ground, a Pterosaurs catches it and flies over Romero, releasing the Time Scepter into his waiting hand. "He's got the scepter!"Donnie said. Romero laughs and raises the Time Scepter. It glows bright red and he swings the energy at the turtles as they run toward him. 

The energy hits the ground in front of them and boulders grow to block their path. A Pterosaur lands in front of Romero and he hops onto its back. It flies high into the sky and Romero looks down at the turtles. 

"You failed, turtles. The Time Scepter is mine. And now, for the last element of my plan, the Timestress herself"Romero said. Donnie climbs to the top of the newly formed hill and sees Romero's Pterosaurs coming down towards Renet. "Renet, run!"Donnie said. 

"What?"Renet said. Before she can move, the Pterosaur grabs her arms and flies off with her. "Farewell, turtles. Enjoy your exile here. The Timestress and I have a rather pressing engagement with a meteor! Ha, ha, ha!"Romero said. "Renet," Donnie said.
The turtles walk through the jungle. 

There are dinosaurs all around. "This stinks, "Mikey said. Leo uses a to cut his way through the underbrush. "We've been tramping through this greenhouse for hours. I know Renet said this was a big test for her, but come on. It's looking like an 'F' so far. Lord Simultaneous sent her here, why doesn't he do something?'Cause he's a grade-A jerk" he said. 

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