Night of Sh'Okanado

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The group was in holo dojo. 

"Wait, hold up. Just hold up a second"Mikey said. He is clinging to the ceiling of a Japanese-style structure, one of the holo dojo's backgrounds. "There's one thing I don't understand," he said. Standing on the floor below him are Raph and Leo. 

"Only one thing? I would've thought there was a ton of stuff you don't understand"Raph said. "Let me rephrase that for the handsome impaired. Why do you two persist in trying to double-team me in practice when you know how good I am and I know how old and slow you two are?" Mikey said. 

"Give me a foot up, Leo, and I'll show him old and slow," Raph said. Leo interlocks his fingers and Raph springboards off of his brother's hands. He reaches for Mikey, who laughs and jumps down, avoiding him. 

Leo leaps and catches Mikey's ankle, yanking him off-balance, but Mikey rolls as he hits the floor and dodges both of his brothers. Leo kicks at him, but Mikey spins away from his foot. Mikey stands between them as Raph charges and Leo tries to sweep his feet, but Mikey backflips away from both.

"Beauty and dexterity win again," Mikey said. Both his brothers charge. "Uh-oh," he said. They slam into Mikey and all three fly through the door of the holo dojo, which automatically shuts down the program. 

Donatello, Alison, and Cody are in the latter's lab, as they work on the Turtle X battlesuit. "Turtle X is looking good. I can't wait till we finish these upgrades"Alison said. "Then we can all go out and grow some shell!"Cody said. 

"That's raised some shell, and I was under the impression that this battle armor was for your self-defense out in the big bad world of 2105," Donnie said. Sounds of a struggle draw their attention to the door. The other three turtles burst into the lab, breaking the door and still fighting.

"Or in the dangerous environment of your own home," Alison said and giggle. As the turtles roll around on the floor, Serling arrives. "Oh, what a shock" Serling said. Mikey and Raph roll off, but Leo stands up.

"Indulgent roughhousing and wanton destruction. Your friends are a credit to their low rung on the evolutionary ladder, Master Cody" Serling said. Alison walks toward the other and pulls them apart. The other two stop fighting. Serling looks at Turtle X.

"Oh, that horrid thing. I still think it's an abomination" Serling said. "Relax, Serling, it's for Cody's protection and security, "Athena said as she walk in. "Yeah, Cody may seem like a mild-mannered techno-geek, but with that metal skin he can transform into a mega-powered, kick-butt robot warrior," Raph said. 

"A regular Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde," Mikey said. "Doctor Who and mister what? Should I be really honored or really offended?"Cody said. MichelangeloYou mean you don't know about Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde?"Alison said. "The black and white movie? Spencer Tracy?"Leo said. 

"Famous story? Robert Louis Stevenson?"Donnie said. "Nope. Never heard of 'em" Athena said as she stood beside Cody. "It's like one of the all-time classic monster movies," Mikey said. "What's a monster movie?"Cody and Athena said. "You're kidding," Mikey said. 

He lifts his arms menacingly. "Frankenstein? The Mummy? Tell me you've at least heard of King Kong" He said. He pounds his chest and then pretends he's got a cape. "Dracula. Creature from the Black Lagoon. Or even the Tangler?"Mikey said. 

"No, never heard of any of them. I guess we don't have those"Cody said. "It can't be," Mikey said. He drops dramatically to his knees. "A future without monster movies?" he said. He clutches at Cody. "Losing the will to live. Can't...go...on"Mikey said. He falls back on the floor, eyes closed. 

"Hey. I came across a mention of the Tangler earlier today" Donnie said. He types into a control board. "I read about it while I was filtering information of the galactic web," He said. Mikey rushes over to him and drapes himself across Donnie's shoulder. 

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