Tale of Master Yoshi

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The episode begins inside the turtles' reservoir station lair.

Leonardo is near the ceiling, doing some welding, and Raphael is running a power cleaner over the floor while Michelangelo watches television. Suddenly the overhead light blows out and the power goes off. "Donatello, Alison, you okay?"Leo said. 

"I thought we were grounding that terminal but instead..."Donnie said. Alison appears upside down. "I shorted it out. Sorry, Mikey, but I'm afraid the entertainment system isn't going operational tonight" Alison said. "No! No! I need my TV time!"Mikey said. 

He runs to the television array and drops to his knees. "I-I can't go on without it. Please, somebody, put me out of my misery" he said as Alison jump down. "You mean our misery, Mikey. Don't mind if I do" Raph said. 

He gets ready to punch his brother but puts his hands behind his back when Master Splinter clears his throat. "Raphael," Master Splinter said. He comes from the direction of his room, carrying a tray of lit candles. "That is enough work for one day, my sons," he said.

He kneels on the rug and places the tray on the floor in front of him. The turtles kneel in a semi-circle around him. "But Master, what are we gonna do? No TV, no video games. How did people ever survive in such a nightmare world?"Mikey said.

"Before TV and video games, people survived quite well, Michelangelo, perhaps even better. They told stories and I think we should do just that; tell stories" Splinter said. Mikey groans and falls backward. "Who wants to begin?" he said.

"Hey, maybe Leo could tell us about his time with the Ancient One, "Alison said. "Yeah, Leo, let's hear about the Ancient One. I wanna hear all about the new ways you learned to kick butt" Raph said. 

"Well, I wouldn't know where to start. But the Ancient One did tell me a story I think you guys would want to hear, about Master Splinter's master, Hamato Yoshi" Leo said. Well let's hear it" Donnie said. "It's a story about a girl," Leo said. 

"A girl? Does she kick butt?"Raph said as he threw some fake punches in the air. "Hush, Raphael. Please, Leonardo, continue"Splinter said as Alison giggled. "Okay, our story begins in Tokyo, way back in the early nineteen-sixties," Leo said.
🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢💙🐢Flashback to Tokyo, Japan.

"Japan was still trying to get back on its feet" Leo narrates. "After an attack from Godzilla?"Mikey interrupts. "No, after its defeat in World War Two," Leo said. 

Two unkempt, raggedly dressed boys stand on the side of the road with their hands out.

"It wasn't uncommon to see orphaned children in the streets begging for food and money," Leo said.

One of the boys spots an older, round man and nudges the other boy. As the man passes the boys, he drops a coin, which rolls to a stop near the boys' feet. One of the boys picks it up. "Wow, five yen"A boy name Yoshi said. "Shh, Yoshi, let's keep it"A boy name Mashimi said. 

"No, Mashimi, that would not be right," Yoshi said. "Yoshi—"Mashimi said. Mashimi growls as Yoshi goes after the older man, and then he follows. "Sir, sir. Excuse me, sir, you dropped your money"Yoshi said. "What is this?"The Ancient One said. 

He accepts the coin. "So much honesty in one so very hungry? Hmm," he said. He holds the coin out in the palm of his hand. "Try as quickly as you can to snatch the coin from my hand and you may keep it," he said. Mashimi shrugs, giggles, and tries for the coin. 

The Ancient One closes his hand too quickly and then opens it again to reveal he still has the coin. "I don't think so, "Ancient One said. Next, Yoshi tries for the coin, grabbing it very fast. The Ancient One pulls his hand back very quickly as well.

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