Chapter 3: Meeting the Problem Children

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Shota POV

When Nova took off her helmet, I think my brain stopped working for a good two minutes. NOBODY has ever seen her without her helmet. Golden brown hair spilling out , and she lifts up her head. Her eyes...gods, her eyes... big doe eyes with a gentle hazel, but at the same time they're electrifying. Her smile...damn, is she using her quirk to make it shine? It just makes everything seem brighter and lighter...Shota, relax. She probably doesn't even know who you are. If you don't drop the 'goo-goo' eyes you're currently making, you will never hear the end of it from Hiz.

"HEY, nice to have you here! I'm Present Mic, or Yamada Hizashi." Stupid it's your turn... speak." I'm Eraserhead, or Aizawa Shota." I don't know if it's because of the redirected blood-flow or maybe I had a stroke, but she smiled after I introduced myself. Maybe she's just glad this meeting is wrapping up. Even I'm feeling a bit of joy, knowing I'm that much closer to snuggling in my yellow cocoon for a nap.


After the meeting, Hiz asks Reed to come out for drinks. Nem gives her signature welcome but is surprised when Reed plays her game. I burry myself in my scarf and struggle to come off as disinterested. In reality, I'm hanging on by a thread of consciousness, between the lack of sleep for the past week and my brain reeling from this morning, I can't tell if I'm just hallucinating all of this or it's real.

"Aizawa-san, are you coming? I still don't know my way around. I don't want to get lost on my first day."

I felt a shiver roll up my spine with every syllable of my name coming out of her mouth and attempt to dig myself deeper into my scarf trying to hide the crimson flashing over my face. I'm almost frozen in my spot until Mic nudges my side and smirks, "Oh, she's trouble. Make sure she knows we're going to Echo Bar at 18:00." I give a nod and follow Reed out the door. As I pass by her, I brush her shoulder and peer out the side of my eye just in time to see her smirk.

Trying to calm myself, this is only her first day, but it will be nice to get to know her better after school. "Has anyone shown you around the school?"

"No, Nezu said you would."

"Of course he did." I murmur.

We go around the school, showing her the lunchroom, principal's office, recovery girl's office, training grounds, gym, and finally, my own personal hell... Class 1-A.

Raya POV

Looking up at the monstrous door and peek along the side of his shoulder, Aizawa sighs, "...And this is our classroom. Here is a seating chart, followed by my breakdown analysis of everyone's quirks."

"Wow, this is... really detailed." I walk down the rows, trying to take in all of the amazing quirks.

"Of course, and you should familiarize yourself with it." He mumbles and pulls out a large yellow sac? ... Oh, a sleeping bag. Then he proceeds to get inside and lay down.

"Didn't know they still have naptime at high schools in Japan, you want a juice box before your snooze?" I try to poke the bear. He opens one eye and smirks. He reaches lower into the sleeping bag and pulls out a juice box and a couple apple sauce packets. I laugh as he retracts his hand and closes his eyes. Soon after I begin to hear slow breathing and light snores come from the corner of the room.

I sit at his desk and look down at his softened face. I smile at the scene, a tall stoic man with 5'oclock shadow, now looking so peaceful, purring like a little kitten. How can he look so rugged and so cute? Gotta be some black magic.

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