Chapter 18: Don't Tease the Sleepy Man

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Would've gotten this out sooner, but its been a rough couple of weeks.


Shota POV

After about 30 minutes into the movie, I felt a weight fall onto my shoulder. Looking to my left I see Raya sleeping softly. Her face looks so peaceful.

Lifting slowly off the couch, I snake my arms under her to bring her to my bed. She doesn't need to wake up with a backache from this shitty couch. After she was settled, I dragged my sleeping bag to the living room.

I can't believe Nova is in my home. If you would've told me a month ago that she would be here... or even that I met her to begin with, I would've been surprised. Being around her just feels so familiar.

I release a sigh; she reminds me of him. She speaks her mind, runs head on into situations, conversations are so easy, and she just emits this light of a personality. Ugh, and she's a brat, likes to challenge me, just to push my buttons. She likes to see how far she can go until she gets a rise from me. My chest tightens. I quickly push away the feeling, she isn't him. I just met I ready for something serious?

My thoughts are cut short when I hear an odd sound. I look up to the couch to see Kai sleeping soundly. I inch my way in the direction of the sound. Unzipping from the warmth of my yellow cocoon, I end up wandering back to my room, only to be met with soft whimpering.

Pushing the door open, the lamp from the hallway illuminates her face while smaller dancing red lights emit from the area surrounding her. Seeing Rayas face scrunched up in pain tugs something inside me, bringing me beside her.

"I don't want... no...please... don't make me." She curls further into herself.

My eyebrows tug together. Should I wake her?

" burns, DON'T HURT THEM!"

From personal experience, I know how bad nightmares can get. I've had my fair share of waking up in a cold sweat, the nightmare that reminds me of that day. I can't watch her shake in fear any longer; getting down on my knees, placing a hand on her shoulder and with the other hand I wipe away the tears now falling from her eyes.

"Shhh, Raya. You're safe. It's Shota. You're here with me. I've got you and nobody is going to hurt you."

The dancing lights surrounding her evaporate as Raya slowly opens her eyes, round orbs filled with sadness. She looks at me and relief washes over her face. Immediately I'm wrapped in a tight hug, like she's clinging to me for life, trying to catch her breath.

"I thought I should wake you, it seemed like you were having a nasty nightmare."

She removes her face from my chest as she loosens her grip to look at me distressed "Did I wake you? I'm so sorry Shota, I'm really putting you out when you've been so gener-"

"Don't apologize. I understand. I've dealt with something similar for a while now. It comes with the job I suppose."

She shrugs in response, there seems like there is more behind it, but I decide not to prod. She'll tell me if she needs to.

"If you want to talk about it, I'll be here to listen."

She sniffles but tries to recompose herself. "Maybe some other time. I just..." Her voice trails off, not finding the words, too exhausted to talk further.

"I understand." When she lays back down on the bed, I lift from the ground beside her and begin to turn to leave, "I'll let you go back to sleep."

"wait..." she says barely at a whisper. I turn around to see her eyes pleading for something.

Nova - Aizawa x OCWhere stories live. Discover now