Chapter 16: Did someone turn up the thermostat?

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Sexual tension building, they just have to constantly one up each other. Its a shorter one b/c of exams this week/next week. But I wanted to get the chapter out/ write. Will post more in the coming weeks tho.

Thank you all for all the amazing comments and love for the fic. Its my first so, I know its probably not the best *sweatdrop* but hearing all of your support really sends a hefty dose of serotonin to the brain.

---------------------Now back to your regularly scheduled programming---------------------

3rd POV

Slowly opening her eyes after a brief nap, Raya stretches out her muscles and realizes she is still in the hospital.

"Ready to get out of here, sleeping beauty?" A tired monotone voice asks.

"Isn't sleeping beauty supposed to be woken up by a kiss though?" She responds with a smirk as she attempts to get out of bed. When she lifts from the bed, bearing weight on her legs, she wobbles briefly. Without a second thought, Shota is by her side with his arm around her waist to help steady herself.

"Not too fast now. You exhausted your quirk last night, along with the other injuries you acquired from the fire."

His arm slightly brushes her forearm, and she hisses in pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He say, concerned.

"It's okay...I know you'll be gentle with me... right, senpai?" Raya says with fake innocence as she turns her head to the sleepy hero with a sly grin.

Shota breathes in deeply and clicks his tongue. Then he looks at her with darkened eyes, a raised eyebrow, and mischievous upturn of his lips. He lowers his head to her ear, "I can be gentle, kitten... but something tells me that's not what you actually want...isn't that right, little one~" He pulls back his head, then looks at her in triumph when he notices the blush flashing across her face and half-lidded eyes.

When she breaks the trance, she huffs. "I don't know what you're talking about, Scarfy" She says with artificial indignance, turning her head away from the cocky smile and piercing grey eyes looking at her.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Knocking on the door snaps them both out of their heated discussion. A nurse walks into the room and smiles, "Sorry to disturb you, but you have a visitor that has been very insistent on seeing you."

Raya looks at Shota to see if he knows who it is, but he shrugs in response to her questioning brow. Raya then turns to the nurse holding a similar expression.

The nurse steps aside and says, "you can come in now."

Suddenly, two little legs frantically race into the room and two small arms wrap around Raya in an embrace. "NOVA-SAN! YOU'RE OKAY!" she belts, wide eyes staring up at Raya in awe.

Initially, Raya was surprised by the small child, she was not used to people knowing she's Nova and she's not used to people worrying about her. After the surprise wears off, Raya pats the girls head and gives a gentle smile. The girls father and mother walk into the room and give the Energy hero a look that can only be described as immense gratitude for keeping their family whole. The love in their eyes as they look down to their child, still embracing the brown-haired woman

"Thank you for saving my papa!" The girl detaches and points a finger at her father.

Raya bends down to the childs height, "I couldn't have done it without the help of a super brave little hero behind me." Raya smiles at the young girl.

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