Chapter 30: Won't let you fall

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Sorry dear readers, its been a while. I've been super busy and was having a case of writers block. But WOW... thank you all so much for sticking around and reading the fic. It's almost at 6.5k reads... I never imagined people would like, let alone read the first ever non-academically driven piece I've ever written. So... thank you all so much for your support <3Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Raya POV

Unknown Number

"Planting your roots in Japan"? We warned you to leave and not to interfere with us.

I can't wait to see you beg for your life just as pathetically as your mother did before she burned alive.

Seeing the hope drain from her eyes was a beautiful sight to witness. See you soon, starlight.

I can't breathe. The phone drops from my hand, clattering onto the pavement. Mom...I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you.

My quirk goes off around me with red flares, reacting to my pain, to my frustration. My knees hit the pavement, but I feel nothing but a deep ache as my darkened thoughts overtake me...

How pitiful.

My chest tightens.

Still just that scared little girl, unable to control her quirk. Even today, you'd fail trying to save them given the chance. Pathetic.

I try to push everything down and reign in my own instability. But the more I try, the more the energy flows out, vibrating the molecules around me. The tiny atoms move faster and faster, crashing into each other and it begins to prickle my skin.

You're just a meager excuse for a hero. Worthless.

A steady stream falls from my eyes, I can't stop...I can't. Help.

And all at once, everything falls away, the lights stop, the pins and needles pricking my skin subsides, but it doesn't even register to me. I can't help but stare forward, frozen, as the ground below my cheeks begin to dampen from the tears falling. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't good enough, wasn't smart enough, wasn't fast enough... I couldn't save you.

Without warning, I'm engulfed in a warm embrace. I stiffen at the contact then fall into his arms, unable to muster the energy to move my arms around him, I dip my face into his chest.

He doesn't speak. With crimson eyes illuminating and blackened hair raised, Shota holds onto me tightly as if he's trying to prevent me from bursting into a literal supernova.

"They tortured them, I-," My voice cracks and I nuzzle deeper into his neck. Shota grips me tighter. "I'm no hero, I-"

"No, don't do that." The raven hair falls. I lean back to see his face and I'm met with serious expression, "Don't let their taunts overpower you. They're only saying that to get to you, to throw you off your game so that you're vulnerable, open for then to attack." Your eyes momentarily fall away from his.

He grips you tighter, grabbing your attention back to him, "But what they don't know is how strong you really are. I've seen it." He's right, I've done so much and worked so hard to get where I am.

He continues, "You can't blame yourself for their deaths. You had no way of knowing what was going to happen that day. You did not let them down; you did not cause their deaths." You look at him with glassy eyes. "If they could see you today, I'm sure they'd be so proud of the amazingly smart, powerful, endearing, and thoughtful woman that you have become." His grey eyes soften, and I smile in response.

Nova - Aizawa x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang