Chapter 4: Keep up Scarfy!

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Shota POV

I jog up to Reed as she exits the building headed to the training grounds. "Reed, I almost forgot, Yamada wanted me to tell you that we'll be meeting tonight at Echo Bar at 18:00." She turns around, flashes me with her luminescent smile and gazes at me with her iridescent hazel eyes.

"Oh, right. Sounds good, I'll be there."

"If you need a ride, we normally carpool and take a taxi service"

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks. Uh, do you have your phone on you? I can give you my number to text you the address to my place." I hand over my phone, she types in her number and sends herself a text message. She hands me back my phone and pulls hers out of her pocket. Looking over her shoulder, I see that she makes my contact's name "Scarfy."

Groaning, I say, "really? Scarfy?" rolling my eyes.

"Well, it was between that and a couple of others...'Yellow caterpillar', 'It's not a phase mom', or 'Sleepy Kitten.' But seeing as how you constantly dig your face deeper in that thing, I went with Scarfy...It was a close call between that and 'It's not a phase mom." I smirk. What a brat...I think.

I begin typing on my phone, changing her name, and without breaking eye contact I flip the phone so she can see:

Bratty Kitten

Smirking as she reads the name. She scrunches up her face and rolls her eyes, further confirming the moniker, and states, "I am not a brat, nor a kitten." I can't help but laugh at her pouting and red-tinged cheeks.

"I felt kitten fit you better, it's probably the eyes. And 'bratty,' needs no explanation."

"Oh, I'll show you who's a brat," I'm sure you will kitty, maybe I'll be lucky enough to tame it out of you, "Whoever wins the one-on-one gets to change their contact's name and loser has to buy first round for everyone tonight," she says with a fierce stare.

*Sigh* "Sounds like you're underestimating me again, kitten~" Her cheeks flash red again and she stares at me with widened eyes. Well, it doesn't look like you hate the name very much, I think. I turn around and walk the rest of the way to the training grounds. A couple seconds later, she finally moves from her spot, aggressively puts on her helmet, and follows my lead to the field.

Raya POV




I think my brain fritzed out because when I finally calmed down, I look up to see that he's walked to the training grounds. I take my helmet, throw it on, and stomp over to where he is standing. At least the helmet will hide my cheeks that are on FIRE right now. Damn, I wish my COMs were recording that when he spoke. Ugh, shut up you horny bitch. How can he say that with a straight face?

A few moments later, the students start coming out dressed in their gym uniforms and make their way to Aizawa and myself. He clears his throat, "Today, you will observe a one-on-one with Nova and myself. Pay attention because I want a full five-page paper with a breakdown of her quirk, fighting technique, weaknesses, and possible strategies that could've been implemented during the fight. On my desk, due tomorrow." The students collectively groan. "Nova, take your place, students stand back... First one to yield loses. Iida count us down."

Aizawa reaches into his scarf and pulls up his yellow goggles, readies his stance, and flashes me a cocky smirk. Oh, I'm going to wipe that smirk right off your face. I walk to my position on the opposite side of the field and ready my stance.

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