Chapter 14: Don't stop, keep going

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Raya POV

"Is there anybody here?!" You look left then right, listening for any sign of life beyond the crackling flames and blackened smoke. I need to avoid making a protective layer, using my quirk. I need to save my energy because if I find people left behind, I need to protect them. Currently I max out at about 10 minutes for full body protection, but with the amount of adrenaline currently pushing me through these halls, I could probably get away with holding out a little longer.

The first three floors are cleared... one more left. I still haven't found anyone. I push through the door to the stairs leading upward.

Don't stop, keep going.

"FUCKING SHIT BITCH FUCK," I hiss in pain as the blaze wisps across my forearms. The bubble of blisters pushing their way through. Shoving past my discomfort, I make it halfway up the steps when I'm met with the sounds of whimpering.

"Is anyone there?!" You bellow. As you swiftly move up the flight, the cries become louder, then you are met with a small figure huddled over a man. The young child turns to face you, tears streaming down, running through the patches of soot surrounding her nose and cheeks.

"I'm going to get you out of here," leaning over to pick her up she wails "No" and shakes her head.

"I can't leave my papa! I have to save my papa!" She cries between coughs, unable to take a full breath because of the dense blackened clouds.

You kneel over the man and feel for a pulse... it's there but is thready. I need to get them out of here now. You turn to the small girl and say, "Hey, kid. I'm Nova, a Pro-hero. You've been so brave. You want to be a hero, right?" She nods yes, while her small fingers are clutching tightly to her father's shirt. You continue, "Take this and be a hero for your papa *removes helmet, places it over her head, adjusts the straps to prevent smoke from seeping in, allowing her to breathe the filtered air* Now you're looking like a real superhero. I'll carry your papa and you climb on my back, don't let go, okay?" The girl nods yes again and climbs on your back.

She slips her hands around your neck, holding tightly to your shirt. I pick up the man in my arms, straining a bit with the additional weight rubbing against my burnt forearms. I loop a carabiner though his belt and attach it to myself, in attempt to relieve some weight. I begin to quickly make my way down the flights of stairs. I feel the child shake vigorously, scared for her father, scared seeing the flames, feeling the intense heat surrounding her.

I try to cover the girl in a protective layer using my quirk. I can feel my energy draining rapidly. Night time and stuck in a place with a lack of carbs or sugar, not ideal for my quirk. But at least she will be protected, and it helps seal off some heat.

"Hey young hero, you are so courageous. You protected your father. You made sure he was found...Now, we are going to get out of here, I promise. You are so brave, a real hero." I give her encouragement, praising her bravery, she slowly stops shaking, starting to calm down, despite the current situation.

I made it to the second landing. My breathing is becoming increasingly difficult. I am unable to fully expand my chest without coughing. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me to stop. My throat feels like its burning. Shit, I need to move faster. I need to get us out. I don't know how much longer I can keep going. I need to get them out.

Don't stop, keep going.

Padding down the stairs, the wooden floorboards cracking against the weight. Sounds of snapping, you decide to reinforce the flooring, using the technique that normally allows you to run from building to building.

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