Chapter 37: Cockblock

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I'm not dead... Sorry for being MIA from this fic... life has been life-ing real hard lately. Both busy and wasn't in the writing spirit. I also apologize, this is a short chapter but I wanted to give yall something. I didnt want to leave yall hanging. The next couple chapters should be a doozy tho, so hold on tight and bare with me.

I love all of you, dear readers, and thank you so much for all of your amazing comments. I read them all and they have been motivating during shitty times. Anyways... hope you enjoy this shortie.


*buzz* *buzz * *buzz*

My phone buzzed angrily on the nightstand, shattering the peaceful silence. I groaned and reached out to grab it, squinting at the blue light of the screen illuminating my face. The text message was cryptically written in a standard mission brief. The Hero Commission.

My heart sank as I realized what they were calling me for, today of all days when we had planned to take the students to the camp.

I look over at my once sleeping boyfriend, who opened his eyes and looked at me, brows raised inquisitively. I sighed and rolled out of bed, trudging over to my closet to grab my hero suit.

"What's wrong?" Shota asks, glancing over at me.

I bit my lip then turned to him, shaking my head sadly, with frustration.

"You got a mission..." he drawled, already knowing the answer.

I shouldn't have been surprised. Of course it would happen on the day we have to take the kids to the camp.

I nod, then slowly take my time crossing the room to the bed. I drop down on top of him, my body heavy with contentment as we sink into the soft mattress. "I don't wanna goooooo," I mumble against his neck, my breath tickling his skin. "I was looking forward to tormenting the students."

He shakes with a gentle laugh before nuzzling his face into my hair and pressing a tender kiss onto the top of my head. His fingers delicately stroke my cheek and he says softly, "I know."

"I'm not sure of the exact details of the mission, but from what I gather it wont take longer than 24-48hrs... barring any complications.... I'm sorry..." I whine, pressing my face against him and feeling his lips smirk.

"It's okay... it's not something within your control," he reassures me. His gaze is deep and intense as he continues, "But don't rush things... I can handle the problem children. Don't worry about us, just.... stay safe out there."

My cheeks grow warm as I shyly smile, then I kiss his jaw, my hands resting on his chest. "I'll be okay." I whisper, then I smirk and poke his side, " I am the greatest stealth hero out there."

Shota chuckles softly. "If you say so," he said with gentle amusement.

"Mhm," I hum happily, then kiss his cheek. "Thanks for worrying about me."

He looks at me tenderly, his strong hand rubbing circles on my back, "Of course."

I tease my hand through his hair, an attempt at soothing the worries I can see behind his eyes. I tilt my head down to kiss him, he eagerly meets my lips with his own, his tongue skillfully exploring my mouth and eliciting a soft moan from me.

We part slowly, the heat between us swirling around us like a dense fog. His hands trail down the length of my arm before settling on my hips, cupping my ass and pulling me closer to his body. Suddenly I'm on my back beneath him, looking up at his striking features with a mischievous glint in his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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