Chapter 33: Oops I did it again...

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I feel like I say this every chapter, but I'm genuinely beyond stunned with everyone's thoughtful comments and continued support for this fic. It really gives me a truckload of serotonin when I see yall liking the fic or commenting on a particular line. <3 love yall and thanks for sticking around. Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Raya POV

"Ugh, it feels like I haven't slept in a week." I grumble, slowly waking up.

The familiar smell of antiseptic invades my senses. But as I shift to stretch out my muscles, a sharp pain shoots through my body from my side. Ah, right. Broken ribs.

Peeking one eye open, my vision is blurred. I blink a few times, focusing my eyes and they land on multiple bags of dextrose being pumped into my arms. Ugh, did I get here...Right, that overgrown sasquatch. Stupid hooded jackass ruined my bike...But... he sounded so familiar.




My thoughts snap upon hearing someone clear their throat. Scanning the room, my view lands on a familiar scruffy face, who's nonchalantly leaning against the wall. I send him a sweet smile but I am not met in kind. Cocking my head to the side in confusion, I silently ask what's up. But the look in Shota's eyes can only be described as worry mixed with fear.

Following his line of sight, I'm met with a scowling face. My eyes widen as anxiety builds, every cell in my body freezes. Shit.

I sweat drop, "Oh... hey gran...has anyone told you how vibrant and youthful you look today. Did you get your hair do-"




I grab the back of my head, groaning in pain. "You're going to give me a concussion!" She begins to raise her cane again, and her scowl deepens.

Raising my hands in defense and surrender, "Okay, okay... I give please." Bowing my head slightly in the hospital bead, "I'm sorry gran."

I lift my head and peer over at her to see the youthful heroine steadily tapping her foot beside the bed. Recovery girl slowly raises a brow, as her eyes carry on burring holes into me.

I swallow thickly and continue, "I may have overdone it a little..." Now both her brows raise, as a warning, calling me out on my bullshit.

I sigh, "okay, I over did it..." I openly admit. It's better to just concede, especially since I'd rather not have another aggressive hit from the short women who's currently on the edge, ready to tear into me.

"Between you and that boy, you're going to put me into an early retirement. Dealing with that reckless Toshinori is more than enough trouble. Do you all enjoy making everyone worry?" She says sternly.

I look to the floor, casting my eyes away. I don't mean to put anyone in distress about my well-being. I tend to hide away my emotions in fights or stressful situations, preventing the possibility of allowing them to make me act irrationally. But when I open myself back up, they coming flooding back in, and suddenly I'm drowning under the rolling current of emotion.

Chiyo sighs, releasing her exhaustion. Then she looks at me with soft eyes.

I bite my lip as I'm filled with guilt. I know how much she cares. During my late teenage years, when I was working on honing my quirk with Toshi, it was definitely trial and error. There were a lot of burns from making too many molecules vibrate too quickly, falling off buildings from trying to learn my sky pad technique, oh god and don't get me started on the numerous lovely scars I've attained trying to master my shield technique. Anytime I was in Japan or she was in the states, to lend her abilities for some natural disaster or massive villain attack, Gran was always by my side every time I needed patching up.

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