Chapter 29: Stepping into the Spotlight

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Hello dear readers,

I hope you enjoy the new chapter, trying to get a little more into the plot.

Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, getting hit hard by the seasonal depressies.


Nobody POV

"You don't have to do this right away. We can wait or we can come up with a different plan..." A gruff monotone voice breaks out.

Nervously fidgeting with her fingers and repeatedly bouncing her leg, Raya tilts her head up to the man standing before her. Between the messy raven-black hair, his tired dark grey eyes focus on her, conveying his sincerity and support.

"I have to do this." She stands and looks at the erasure hero with a forced smile. " We both know this a good plan. Having the press conference and staking Japan as my new home— flaunting my new career training rising hero's, with no intention of leaving anytime soon... it will taunt the league of villains, pushing them to make a rash decision and increasing the likelihood that they will mess up. Not only could we take them down in one fell swoop, but it would also ensure the safety for those kids."

"Yeah." Aizawa presses his forehead against hers and mumbles, "I just wish there was another way that didn't involve you putting yourself in the line of fire."

Raya thumbs his cheek, caressing his face with her hand. Aizawa presses into the gentle gesture and sighs.

"You don't have to worry about me."

"Promise," He asks almost inaudibly, as if his internal thoughts broke out briefly. A swirling pool of anxiety from the potential losing someone close again, Aizawa stiffens at the thought.

"I'll be okay." She says quietly while gently stoking his cheek, trying to quell the darkened cloud of uncertainty and concern she senses irradiating off him. Then Raya smirks, "I am the best underground hero after all."

Aizawa peeks one eye open and looks at her incredulously. Then the corner of his lip upturns, "Not for long."

Raya quirks an eyebrow. He chuckles then continues, "After this you may gain enough popularity to break the charts. All might better watch out."

"I hate you." She says as she gently nudges him.





"What are you twelve?"

"I know you are but what am I." She chirps mockingly.

Aizawa deadpans, "Problem children... constantly surrounded by problem children." He shakes his head.

"Problem child? That's not what you were calling me the other night..." She teases. Raya ponders the thought as she lifts her hand to her chin to think, "ah yes, it was kitten... or do you prefer little one~" Raya grins widely, knowing full-well she is pushing his buttons.

Aizawa clicks his tongue and raises his brow as he stares deeply into her amused honey-colored eyes. "Be careful little one, you're treading into dangerous waters."

Raya dramatically rolls her eyes. And if that didn't seal her fate, the next words about to roll out of her mouth surely will.

"Bite me~." Her words drip with defiance, just matching her facial expression and her straightened posture.

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