Chapter 21: Practical Exams Pt.2: Unresolved Trauma, heightened emotions

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I preemptively apologize, dear readers. Buckle up.


Raya POV

Thirteens match ended with the students prevailing. They had a shaky start, but eventually were able to pull through, but it seemed like a lucky break, not much teamwork involved. Next up was Pikachu and Pinky versus Nezu.

Shaking my head, "This is not going to end well."

"They were confident that the practical skills exam was going to be against robots, I doubt they put much training into preparing for this. Overconfidence gets people killed. This will be a lesson for them." Shota explains.

"I agree, they need to understand that this isn't some fairytale story, where everyone gets happy ending...people will die, whether from a mistake, an accident, or ignorance. Regardless of how strong you think you are, you should constantly be working on your skills and pushing for growth...That being said, something tells me Nezu was looking forward to this match a little too much." I take my seat next to Shota and Hizashi.

Squinting at the monitor, "Geez he's absolutely destroying the factory grounds. Wait... is... is he drinking tea?... Is he okay? Does he know not to kill them?" Looking around, nobody seems to be concerned with the rat-bear completely losing it. Should I go out there and help the pikachu and pinky? I mean if Toshi isn't batting an eye, I guess it will be okay.

Shota shrugs in response, "He's blocking off the exit, they've already lost. They wasted time aimlessly walking around and didn't even bother to make a plan. Not surprised, two more join the additional training group for the camp trip."

I send him a questioning look, "Additional training group? Aren't they barred from going on the camping trip if they failed? And training? I thought it was going to be a relaxing break from school? Class vacation, field trip?"

Shota, Hizashi, Nemuri, and Toshi all look at me like I've said the dumbest thing that they've ever heard. I feel like I'm missing something. Are we not going swimming in some lake, making friendship bracelets, roasting marshmallows at night around a campfire telling scary stories? By the looks of their faces, I'd assume that's a no.

"Oh, hun... no." Nemuri says sympathetically. Now I'm really curious and wondering what the hell I signed up for, by the looks on their faces it doesn't look good. Hizashi is stifling a giggle, Shota is maintaining an expressionless stare, Toshi looks guilty as hell, and Cementos is completely looking away, clearly pretending not to be involved. Maybe I can weasel my way into assisting the third years on their internships instead?

Shota sighs and says with a tired expression, "The camp trip this summer will be consisting of rigorous training, preparing the students for the Provisional Hero License Exam."

My eyes widen, He's gotta be joking. I look to Toshi, his face solemn and filled with guilt as he looks away, essentially confirming Shota's statement. Are they insane? "Provisional Hero License? THEY'RE ONLY 15!"

"Seeing as how the league of villains, and crimes in general are on a rise, we are using this summer to essentially cram a year of training in a couple weeks. This world needs more heroes to maintain the balance." Shota says earnestly, yet his grip on the chair is exposing his whitened knuckles.

"They're just KIDS!" I exasperatingly apply, now everyone is looking at me with mixed expressions. When I was 15, I was still recovering from the loss of both of my parents. Thinking if I were to be placed in these kids shoes...I don't think I would've made it. Having all of that responsibility on your shoulders at such a young age. They're barely halfway into their first year...they're young, ignorant, overconfident, impulsive... they're going to get themselves and those around them killed. I don't want to see any of my students have to face be in a place so dark because a mistake caused the death of someone around them.

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