Chapter 11: Friends and Headaches

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*Knock knock*

The front door opens, "Toshi!"

Toshinori looks at Raya with a welcoming smile, "Hello young Raya! What brings you around?" He moves aside, opening the door wider for her to enter.

Raya walks past and exclaims, "I brought food! I know how terrible you are at taking care of yourself." She looks at him scoldingly.

He scratches the back of his neck, "Ah well...thank you. And again, I'm sorry for before with Midnight. I didn't mean to. It's just when she looks at me like tha-..."

"Its okay, I handled it. But you pull a stunt like that again and I swear I will plant a seed to the media saying that you've had a secret affair with Endeavor for the last year." She hands Toshinori a bento and places hers in front of her.

"Please don't... I don't care if the media has rumors about me, but Endeavor would probably go on a rampage. I just don't have the energy these days to deal with that mess." He picks up his chopsticks and take a bite, "Mmm, thanks Raya, this is great... Anyways, how was your date with Eraser?"

Raya slightly turns her head and blushes.

"That good huh? So, I don't need to go Number #1 hero and beat him up?" Toshinori jokes.

"Haha, please don't. You're already a thorn in his side apparently, something about 'picking favorites." She looks at him knowingly, fully aware he is horrible at keeping his relationship with his successor under wraps. She sighs, "But yes, the date went really well. He brought me to a lovely cat café and we talked a lot. It seems we have a bit in common, more so than just the similarities as heroes." Her emotions leaking through in a small lightshow over her head, accidently activating her quirk, as she recalls the date. "Then we went for a walk in the park and...OH"

Toshinori looks up from his bento, questioningly, "What?"

"I got a text from some unknown number trying to blackmail me to leave Japan, or else they will reveal my identity to the media."

In shock, Toshinori accidently activates his All-Might form and says, "Did you contact the police's tech team to trace back the text? Did you respond to them? Did they say anything else?" He continues to quickly ramble off questions, not even waiting for an answer.

Raya stands and places a hand on Toshinori's arm, in an attempt to relax him. He stops and looks at her.

"Toshi, its okay. I did everything, they couldn't really trace it because it came from a burner. And I'm not leaving Japan." She says with determination.

"But if you don't, they'll reveal your identity. I know how much you prefer your privacy. You even exploded that camera when we were on that kidnapping mission in New Jersey, when the media snuck into the crime scene."

"I didn't explode it...I just melted the memory chip, which happened to be next to the battery, and the battery exploded the camera."

He looks at her with disapproval.

"Okay, okay, it was a bit much but still. It will be fine. This was going to happen sooner or later I suppose, especially now that I'm on staff at U.A. The school is known all over the world. My identity would've come out at some point." She replies passively.

"We should expect them to come back with another threat."

"Yeah, I know. Shota said everyone at U.A. has my back." She glows.

Toshinori gives a boisterous laugh, "Shota? Eh, first name already?" He says teasingly, then shrinking to his frail form. "But seriously, we all do have your back. Even though my presence at U.A. is still new, they are quite the tight knit family. Fighting tooth and nail for one another. You couldn't be at a better place."

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