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McDonald parking lot

We sat against the wall and I devoured my big mac. i was so happy when he bought me food. but should i trust him? once i was full and we were both done eating we just sat there. the silence was very still the only thing you heard were nearby cars passing on the highway. then he finally said something.

"do you remember me?"

i gave a good stare at him and stated bluntly

"no i dont who are you? and do you know me? because i dont know who you are"

"dont be rude and i will explain it all to you. basically i am from the past. when you were 5 our parents used to hang out all the time. but then you disappeared and i didnt learn why until l recently a year and half ago. our parents, well your parent are...."

he leaned in close and whispered in my ear "ghosts...."

something inside of me snapped and I burst in a heap of laughter. ghosts? What's next the big mac i just ate was going to come alive and have a party in my stomach?

"ghosts? That was ridiculous~!my parents abandoned me years ago and gave me to my controlling abusive aunt."

"wrong. a spirit war broke out. and your parents had to give you away to your aunt. otherwise the spirit demon god would've killed you."

"spirit demon god? sir are you on some crack?"

"i am serious! this is no situation to joke about!"

"your parents were sent by the spirit queen to end the spirit demon god. but the war broke out and it was too late to stop him. now the spirit demon god is after you and i have to protect you at all costs."

"why protect me>>>>"

"because your... your the only one who can stop him, who can save the world..."

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